LONDON — There's an especially starry knight in Britain's latest round of royal honors. Patrick Stewart - "Star Trek: The Next Generation's" Capt. Jean-Luc Picard - becomes Sir Patrick in Queen Elizabeth II's New Year honors list, which also includes a knighthood for theater and film director ...
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
‘Star Trek’ – The Most Pirated
Star Trek is certainly the most popular movie of the year 2009 and this is not only revealed by the box office collections of the movie, but also by the downloads on file sharing sites like Torrent. |
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
A spectacular light show visible from northern Norway has energized the UFO crowd. Was that blazing pinwheel in the sky a signal from the aliens? Was it a practice run for an elaborate worldwide messianic hoax?
You'd expect the experts to come out with a less sensational explanation, and they have: They suggest that the display was caused by a Russian submarine-launched missile that went into a midair spin, causing a spiral-shaped rocket plume.
The glowing spiral, with a bluish column of smoke trailing down toward the horizon, was seen in eastern skies early this morning from a wide area of northern Norway. Photos and video clips of the display quickly proliferated - first in Norwegian news media, then around the world via the Internet. For a sampling, check out NRK, The Daily Mail and
The effect looks almost too good to be real, and tabloids floated some out-of-this-world suggestions for its cause - such as a previously unknown manifestation of the Northern Lights, a black hole or a "Stargate" to another dimension.
A former UFO analyst for the British Ministry of Defense, Nick Pope, was mystified by the flare-up. "It's ironic that something like this should happen the very week after the [Ministry of Defense] terminated its UFO project,"he told The Sun. "It just goes to show how wrong that decision was."
Russia Today's video clip about the sightings, posted to YouTube, was headlined "UFO show in Norway sky welcomes Obama for Nobel Prize ceremony."
One Internet forum debated whether the fireworks were a test run for"Project Bluebeam," which supposedly involves creating huge projections in the sky that show scenes of the Second Coming or an alien invasion. The hoax would clear the way for a one-world government to take over - well, at least that's what the conspiracy theorists think.
Russian and Norwegian news reports gave strong support to the missile hypothesis. The news site and Norway's Barents Observer referred to Russian advisories about missile test launches that were to take place around the time of the sighting.
"The missile was most likely yet another failed test launch of a Bulava missile from the Typhoon submarine Dmitry Donskoy in the White Sea area," the Barents Observer said. A similar phenomenon was spotted a month ago, but without the spectacular spiral.
Over at the Bad Astronomy blog, Phil Plait points out that a simulation of particles being spewed out from a spinning rocket booster can produce an effect that looks much like the Norwegian sighting.
NBC News space analyst James Oberg, an expert on UFO sightings as well as the Russian space program, says the missile spin is a plausible explanation.
"But it is still not clear that the missile actually failed. ... Spiral rocket plumes are also created by rocket stages spinning to create gyroscopic stability," Oberg said in an e-mail. "Also, Norwegian observers were looking 'up the tailpipe' of the rocket as it sped eastward, away from them - so even a slight thrusting wobble might manifest itself as an expanding spiral, exactly what was seen."
View articleVulture For ‘Spider – Man 4′
In a report published by Movieline, Spider – Man 4 will feature John Malkovich playing the Vulture. |
‘The Wolfman’ – Finally Arrived
Finally, The Wolfman is hitting the theaters on February 12, 2010 and is putting a period to all the rumors of the movie being shelved. |
Casting For ‘The Hobbit’ Starts
The Hollywood Reporter brings all rumors to a stop by reporting that the casting for ‘The Hobbit’ will be starting this week. |
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Phil Morris – actor who’s first appearance on Star Trek
![clip_image002[5] clip_image002[5]](

On December 2, 2009 @ 7:00 P.M. PST
Phil Morris – actor who’s first appearance on Star Trek dates back to the original Star Trek series episode “Miri”, has appeared in Star Trek: The Search for Spock, Star Trek:Deep Space Nine and Star Trek: Voyager. Fans of Seinfeld will remember him as Jackie Chiles. Join us for a special Wednesday evening conversation on Blogtalkradio's: NDB Media channel.
Program call-in: 914-338-0314 or e-mail your questions to:
Roger D. Noriega
Fax 323-357-3868
Monday, November 16, 2009
Weekly Announcements for the Jericho Fandom
Weekly Announcements for the Jericho Fandom
Jericho Electronic Broadcast System (JEBS)
November 14, 2009
If you wish to submit an announcement to this service, please e-mail the announcement to Ichthus at or by 8 p.m. ET on Friday. The announcements will be sent out by Gwen near midnight (PT) on Friday. There will be a midweek update on Tuesday night (same deadlines), if there is more information to send out.
JEBS now goes to all the regional mailing lists. Anyone who subscribes to JEBS is automatically enrolled in their regional mailing list. Please e-mail and say subscribe and list your state. You will get an acknowledgement after you've been added.
Weekly Gatherings
Beau's Bark - Co me join our "open house" chat for most of Tuesday evening to accommodate the ti me zones!! This is a fun time to get together with old friends and make so me new ones! Looking forward to seeing you there!
Sportsman Lodge Bar- Every Friday 9:30 pm EST/ 6:30 pm PST, drop by have a drink and share a story. Go to last page of this thread:
Tuesday Night Ranger Watchers - Co me chat and watch with us on Tuesdays at 5 pm Pacific/8 pm Eastern. You will need to be logged on to see the chat room link, which is under the community menu (chat for members).
Comic Previews
There will be some special preview pages posted next week. They will be posted on some of the Jericho boards and you will need to check the different boards in order to find the preview page.
JKI will be offering a prize to the first fan who finds the location of the daily preview page.
Prize will be an 8.5 x 11 cloth Allied States Flag. Once you find the preview page, e-mail Gwen at and put Comic Preview Page in the subject and the URL of the preview page.
The comic will premier on Wednesday, November 25th - just 11 more days!
Dave Murphy to the White Courtesy Phone
I am trying to contact Dave Murphy, who wrote the original Save Jericho petition. The e-mail address I have is but that doesn't seem to be an active account. Does anyone have current contact information for Dave or can someone give him a message to contact me (
WHTJ Weekend of Memories DVD
Dear Jericho Ranger,
The lengthy delay with shipping the WHTJ Weekend of Memories DVD has been because of possible litigation. Unfortunately, the litigation has advanced to the next level. Due to the impending litigation, we regret to inform you we will not be able to ship the WHTJ Weekend of Memories DVD.
A refund will be possible by request only. Attendees who paid by credit card through registration will require a refund by check. Individuals who ordered the DVD and paid by paypal will receive their refund through paypal. Refunds will be in the amount of $14.00 for individual paypal orders and $14.00 per family who attended.
If you desire a refund, please email me, Steve Wood, at and put REQUEST REFUND in the subject line. Requests for refunds must be received by me no later than December 31, 2009. You may also request your $14.00 be donated to Operation Homefront or Jericho Comics for the Troops.
Your patience and understanding over the past few months have been greatly appreciated.
On behalf of JR4OT, Inc, I offer my deepest regrets.
Steve Wood
Station 4 ARG
Come join us in the hunt for clues to this new Jericho story. It's been rumored for awhile that an official ARG is coming and we hope the current mystery provides a clue to the next adventure.
Discussion thread:
Archive thread (quick read to catch up):
Outside Jericho
Jericho Birthdays by Mud62
D. B. Sweeney (John Goetz) - 11/14
James Parks (Agent Hicks) - 11/16
Thom Williams (Burlyman) - 11/16
Frankie Martinez (Electrician) - 11/16
Roxanne Bruso (Texan Doctor) - 11/19
Natasha Leigh (Skylar's Friend) - 11/21
Kitty's News Corner & Reminders
Aasif Mandvi (Kenchy Dhuwalia) is also in the movie "It's Kind of a Funny Story" slated to be released in 2010 in selected cities.
Lennie James (Robert Hawkins) gets a mention in an interview with Jim Caviezel about "The Prisoner"
The Village Tour article (also has a Jericho comic mention)
Jon Turteltaub (Jericho Executive Producer) signs on to direct a film chronicling the birth of Greenpeace.
For those watching ABC's Flash Forward, yes you heard "Jericho" in this past episode. Interesting... this Jericho is a private security hired by the US government ...
Skeet Ulrich (Jake Green)will be on TV this November 18th and 25th on CSI NY!!
DB Sweeney (John Goetz) is scheduled to be on Criminal Minds on November 25th...... =0)
Lennie James (Robert Hawkins) as prisoner 147 in the mini-series "The Prisoner" on AMC November 15th-17th.
Carol Barbee (Executive Producer) "Three Rivers" on Sundays on CBS
Bob Stephenson (Jimmy Taylor) is in "The Forgotten" Tuesdays on ABC
Jazz Raycole (Allison Hawkins) ... She was on "Eastwick" and ABC will not be continuing the show past the original 13 episodes.
DECEMBER 9 2009 @ 8 am
Devils Due Releasing
JERICHO comic book
NOVEMBER 25 2009
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
David Goyer Talks On ‘Ghost Rider 2′
David Goyer, a screenwriter for Batman Begins and Super Max, was recently asked by MTV about what to expect from Ghost Rider 2. He has mentioned that it’s not exactly a reboot, and the story picks up eight years after the first film. “I hate to say it’s more realistic, because he’s got a flaming skull for a head, but it’s a bit more stripped down and darker. It’s definitely changing tone. What ‘Casino Royale’ was to the Bond movies, hopefully this will be to ‘Ghost Rider.’” The movie is ...
Monday, November 2, 2009
Terminator franchise to be auctioned off
The rights to the Terminator film franchise will be auctioned this month in a deal that will test Hollywood intellectual property valuations at a time when film industry profits are under pressure from falling DVD sales.
The sale, which comes weeks after the rights to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles were sold for $60m -- and is likely to exceed that -- has sparked considerable interest because Terminator is a rare example of a blockbuster film franchise not controlled by a big studio.
The interest in the future rights of Terminator underscores the value of IP during a tough time for Hollywood. That value has held up, with Walt Disney recently agreeing a hefty premium in its $4bn deal to buy Marvel Entertainment.
Several financial buyers have expressed interest in Terminator, including Platinum Equity, the Beverly Hills firm that owns Delphi, the auto parts maker. Platinum could not be reached for comment.
All the big film studios have also registered interest in the rights, with Sony Pictures a leading contender, according to a person familiar with the situation. Sony declined to comment.
Summit Entertainment, the company behind the Twilight series, is tracking the sale, as is Media Rights Capital, which produced Sacha Baron Cohen's Bruno, the person added.
The rights are being sold by Halcyon, the production company behind Terminator Salvation, the latest instalment in the series, which grossed $380m worldwide. The auction does not cover earlier Terminator films.
The rights will give the buyer the ability to make new Terminator films, TV programmes and other spin-offs that build on the popularity of the franchise.
The sale is being conducted by FTI Capital Advisors, recently appointed by Halcyon when it sought bankruptcy protection. Halcyon filed for Chapter 11 after a dispute with Pacificor, a Santa Barbara-based hedge fund that lent Halcyon funds to buy the Terminator rights.
The rights to the franchise have changed hands many times and were sold to Halcyon for $25m two years ago by Mario Kassar, who produced Terminator 2: Judgement Day.
Kevin Shultz, senior managing director at FTI, pointed to the recent $60m purchase of rights to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise by Nickelodeon, the cable network owned by Viacom. "We have a property that has made three times the box office [takings of the TMNT films]," he said.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Amanda Lucas Joins SportsGeeks Daughter of George Lucas
Yes that’s right Amanda is joining SportsGeeks this Sunday at 7pm Central 5pm Pacific to talk about her MMA career and what in store for her future.
If you want to join us make sure you sign up at Blog Talk Radio to participate in the chat room or you can just listen as a guest, we can take a few calls(Call-in Number: (347) 215-7545) if time permits so join us live at SportsGeeks
If you want to email some questions in email us at:
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Bing seals deals with Facebook and Twitter
Woot this rocks go Bing!!!
SAN FRANCISCO - Microsoft has sealed agreements to access real-time content on hot social networking sites Facebook and Twitter, a boost for its fledgling Bing search engine. ( is a joint venture of Microsoft and NBC Universal.)
Bing, which hopes to take on current dominant search leader Google, will have access to Twitter's entire store of public data in real time, Microsoft executives said at a presentation at a San Francisco Internet conference. Bing will become a new way to find out what people are saying in their Twitter messages — also known as "tweets."
Access to the data is considered to be one of Twitter's most prized assets.
According to internet reports, the company will integrate status updates from Twitter and Facebook into Bing.
Microsoft apparently outbid Google for the right to index and display the tweets almost as soon as they are posted.
A Microsoft executive declined to disclosed the financial details of the partnership.
Assuming Microsoft is paying for the indexing rights, it would represent Twitter's first significant revenue since it started in 2006.
Bing seals deals with Facebook and Twitter - Tech and gadgets-
David Duchovny Wants Another X-Files Film By 2012
This is great news! woohooo that would so rock if we get another movie by the x files crew, you know what would be even better if the Lone Gunmen showed up, LOL
Fox Mulder is ready for the coming apocalypse in 2012 — in fact he's so excited, he thinks the occasion deserves another X-Files movies. But really, we need another X-Files to banish the stink of the last one.
In an interview with MTV David Duchovny said he was completely open to a new X-Files movie, in fact he thinks the possible Mayan apocalypse in 2012 almost demands it.
"As far as the X-Files movie I'd like to do next, if we get a chance to do it, would be a return to the heart and soul of the mythology, which is the alien-oriented conspiracy," Duchovny said. "I think it's natural for 'The X-Files' to have another movie in 2012, so we'll see if we get to do it."
I'm all for this — we need to end the series on a preferable alien note. Because I still believe that the truth is out there.
David Duchovny Wants Another X-Files Film By 2012 - X-Files - io9
Joe Quesada Says Captain America Will Rock Your Socks Off
Whilst attending his very own question-and-answer panel at a New York City-based convention, Marvel Comics editor-in-chief Joe Quesada has provided fans with a tease about Marvel’s upcoming feature film, The First Avenger: Captain America.
“I’ve seen a couple of outlines and an initial screenplay, and it’s going to rock everyone’s socks off,” he said. “It’s very unexpected, the kind of movie it is.”
Quesada also confirmed that the film’s story sets up the lead into The Avengers, adding that it does so in “a fantastic way.”
So far all we ...
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
FlashForward - Showrunner Departs
“FlashForward” showrunner Marc Guggenheim departed ABC’s sci-fi drama for good Tuesday, sources tell AICN exclusively.
Reasons for the departure remain muddy. Ratings for the sci-fi drama have slid in adults 18-49 from a 4.1 (at its premiere) to a 3.1 for its fourth installment, but ABC just gave the show a “back-nine” order that will keep it on the air long enough to hit the April 29 six-months-hence “flash forward date” central to the series’ mythos.
Evidence suggests network executives were unhappy with the quality of the show's post-pilot storytelling.
Guggenheim, the “Eli Stone” creator whose resume includes stints on “Jack & Bobby,” “In Justice” and ABC’s “Brothers & Sisters,” joined “FlashForward” subsequent to its pilot shoot. (“FlashForward” co-creator Brannon Braga, who co-created and ran “Star Trek: Enterprise” and “Threshold,” is contracted to the now-shooting 2010 season of Fox's “24” and was not available to run “FlashForward” himself.)
We’ve no word on whether “FlashForward” co-creator David Goyer will now serve as sole showrunner, or if someone else will be brought in to take over.
How to Watch Tonight's Orionid Meteor Shower
The radiant of the Orionid meteor shower is in the constellation of Orion, the Hunter. You can find it easily overhead in the predawn sky The Orionid meteor shower is expected to put on a good show tonight for viewers across North America, lasting well into the predawn hours Wednesday — weather ...
Weather Channel to air movies for first time
The Weather Channel plans to show movies for the first time in its 27-year history. First up? "The Perfect Storm." The network has slipped longer programming into its constantly rotating forecasts in recent years. But over a four-week period starting the night before Halloween, the cable ...
In Association with Temporal Studios
NDB Media (NDB Radio),
On October 20, 2009 @ 7:00 P.M. PDT
The cast and crew of the internet Star Trek series Star Trek: Phoenix joins us. Our listeners will get the first look at the raw footage from their pilot episode “Cloak and Dagger”. Join us for a special Tuesday evening conversation on Blogtalkradio NDB Media channel.
Roger D. Noriega
Fax 323-357-3868
Monday, October 19, 2009
European Southern Observatory finds 32 new planets outside Earth's solar system
European astronomers have found 32 new planets outside our solar system, adding evidence to the theory that the universe has many places where life could develop.
Scientists using the European Southern Observatory telescope didn't find any planets quite the size of Earth or any that seemed habitable or even unusual. But their announcement increased the number of planets discovered outside the solar system to more than 400.
Six of the newly found planets are several times bigger than Earth, increasing the population of so-called super-Earths by more than 30 percent. Most planets discovered so far are far bigger, Jupiter-sized or even larger.
Two of the newly discovered planets were as small as five times the size of Earth and one was up to five times larger than Jupiter.
Astronomer Stephane Udry of the University of Geneva said the results support the theory that planet formation is common, especially around the most common types of stars.
"I'm pretty confident that there are Earth-like planets everywhere," Udry said in a Web-based news briefing from a conference in Portugal. "Nature doesn't like a vacuum. If there is space to put a planet there, there will be a planet there."
What astronomers said is especially exciting is that about 40 percent of sun-like stars have planets that are closer to being Earth-sized than the size of Jupiter. Jupiter's mass is more than 300 times that of Earth's.
Depending on definitions of the size of super-Earths, the discovery suggests that planets that have a mass similar to Earth's are "extraordinarily commonplace," said Alan Boss, an astronomer at the Carnegie Institution of Washington. He was not part of the European team. "The universe must indeed be crowded with habitable worlds."
Boss said finding 32 planets at once is a record "and it really shows that the Europeans have taken the lead" in finding planets outside the solar system.
The discoveries were made by the High Accuracy Radial Velocity Planet Searcher, which is an attachment to the European observatory telescope in Chile that looks for slight wobbles in a star's movements. Those changes would be made by the tug of a planet's gravity on the star. There are no photos of these planets.
European Southern Observatory finds 32 new planets outside Earth's solar system
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Scientists: The World Won't End In 2012
Is 2012 the end of the world?
If you scan the Internet or believe the marketing campaign behind the movie "2012," scheduled for release in November, you might be forgiven for thinking so. Dozens of books and fake science websites are prophesying the arrival of doomsday that year, by means of a rogue planet colliding with the Earth or some other cataclysmic event.
Normally, scientists regard Internet hysteria with nothing more than a raised eyebrow and a shake of the head. But a few scientists have become so concerned at the level of fear they are seeing that they decided not to remain on the sidelines this time.
"Two years ago, I got a question a week about it," said NASA scientist David Morrison, who hosts a website called Ask an Astrobiologist ( )."Now I'm getting a dozen a day. Two teenagers said they didn't want to see the end of the world so they were thinking of ending their lives."
Morrison said he tries to reassure people that their fears are groundless, but has received so many inquiries that he has posted a list of 10 questions and answers on the website of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific (
Titled "Doomsday 2012, the Planet Nibiru and Cosmophobia," the article breaks down the sources of the hysteria and assures people that the ancients didn't actually know more about the cosmos than we do.
"The world will not come to an end on Dec. 21, 2012," E.C. Krupp, director of Los Angeles' Griffith Observatory, declared in a statement released Thursday by the observatory and Sky & Telescope magazine. Krupp debunks the 2012 doomsday idea in the cover story of the magazine's November issue.
Morrison said he attributes the excitement to the conflation of several items into one mega-myth. One is the persistent Internet rumor that a planet called Nibiru or Planet X is going to crash into the Earth. Then there's the fact that the Maya calendar ends in 2012, suggesting that the Maya knew something we don't. Finally, end-of-the-worlders have seized upon the hubbub about the 2012 date to proclaim their belief that end times are drawing near.
Morrison, who heads the Lunar Science Institute at the Ames Research Center in Northern California, has coined a term for the phenomenon: "cosmophobia," a fear of the cosmos. According to Morrison, for the most vulnerable among us, all of the things we've learned about the universe in the last century have only increased the number of potential threats to our existence.
Besides fearing a rampaging planet, the worriers think the sun might lash out at the Earth with some calamitous electromagnetic force. They also fear that some sort of alignment between the Earth and the center of our galaxy could unleash catastrophe.
Krupp said that the scare-mongers would have us believe that the "ancient Maya of Mexico and Guatemala kept a calendar that is about to roll up the red carpet of time, swing the solar system into transcendental alignment with the heart of the Milky Way, and turn Earth into a bowling pin for a rogue planet heading down our alley for a strike."
According to Rosemary Joyce, a professor of anthropology at UC Berkeley, the Maya never predicted anything. The 2012 date is approximately when the ancient calendar would roll over, like the odometer on a car; it did not mean the end - merely the start of a new cycle.
Some authors have tried to merge that idea, Joyce said, with Maya mythology that said the Earth had gone through multiple ages of creation, each ending in a disaster. "But there's no prediction," she said. "They did not predict the end of the world."
Morrison says it's hard to know whether the people who have written to him with their fears represent a fringe or a larger cross-section of Americans who, distrustful of traditional sources of information and the authorities behind them, are falling victim to the Internet's snake-oil salesmen.
In such an environment, the viral marketing campaign for the movie "2012," which encourages people to "Vote for the Leader of the Post-2012 World," can seem like confirmation of the apocalypse, rather than of an upcoming 90-minute entertainment vehicle.
A spokesman for Sony Pictures, Steve Elzer, said: "We believe consumers understand that the advertising is promoting a fictional film."
Morrison said the movie's distributors are feeding the "panic" by creating some of the fake science websites. Most of the sites, Morrison said, are full of misinformation and speculation, often by people who have written books they are trying to sell.
Morrison said he could not address the motives of people who were feeding the alarm, but added: "It's wrong to tell lies to frighten people merely to make a buck."
What most worries him is the level of alarm in some of the most recent messages.
"I'm getting more and more questions from people who are upset and scared," he said. Some people say their children are refusing to eat.
In the publication Morrison has posted online, he says that astronomers would long ago have spotted a rogue planet headed for Earth, that the so-called photos of Nibiru on the Internet are fictitious, and that just because the Maya calendar in question ends in 2012, it doesn't mean the Maya were predicting the end of the world.
"The calendar on my desk ends on December 31, 2009. I do not interpret that to mean the world is going to end that day."
Free Internet Press :: Scientists: The World Won't End In 2012 :: Uncensored News For Real People
Friday, October 16, 2009
Orson Welles' Martians finally land--in a Colorado attic
OMG, this looks like Mulder’s picture on his wall at the FBI, hahaha, X Files-The Truth is Out There
Two years ago we asked the question: Could the mass hysteria of the 1938 "War of the Worlds" scandal, in which a Halloween radio drama orchestrated by actor Orson Welles was mistaken for a real announcement of Martians landing in New Jersey, still take place in the Information Age?
The answer: Yes, it could. And it happened this week.
Like millions of Americans, you were probably glued to your computer watching some news outlet's live video stream or hitting refresh on Twitter for updates on "Balloon Boy," the twisted saga of a 6-year-old Colorado boy who had allegedly floated away in a flying-saucer-shaped hot-air balloon that his parents had built. Was he alive? Had the helium suffocated him? Had he, heaven forbid, fallen out of the balloon?
And the media flipped out.
"This Is Wrong: A Six Year Old Child Could Die On Live Television," industry blog Mediaite warned. Keywords related to the missing kid started to dominate Twitter's trending topics. More details started to pour in: the boy was revealed to be Falcon Heene of Fort Collins, Colo., whose parents were avid storm-chasers and whose family had appeared on reality show "Wife Swap." Audiences grew captivated as the whole situation became weirder and weirder.
Thankfully, "Balloon Boy" was safe. But rather than being dramatically rescued from a flying saucer in an uplifting ending worthy of the "Miracle on the Hudson," it turned out that he'd been in a box in his parents' attic the entire time: and then the really weird details began to emerge. The family quickly hopped aboard the TV news circuit, and not only did little Falcon blithely say "we did it for the show" on "Larry King Live," he proceeded to puke on two network morning shows. Later in the day, the Business Insider floated a claim that a former video intern for the boy's father, Richard Heene, was attempting to sell evidence that the entire affair was fabricated for a TV show. (This has not been proven whatsoever.)
It's annoying. It's annoying that the whole thing could have been an attention-grabbing stunt. It's even more annoying that hours of workplace productivity were slurped down the drain by streaming-video footage of a wacky silver balloon that didn't actually have a traumatized 6-year-old on board like we all thought it did. Likewise, it was probably pretty darn frustrating back in 1938 when scores of Americans realized that they'd mistaken a "War of the Worlds"-themed radio drama for a real emergency broadcast--especially for the people in the New York and Philadelphia metro areas who reportedly fled their homes in panic. (Try to explain that one to the neighbors.)
But maybe this cloud (balloon?) has a silver (tinfoil?) lining. Much has been made recently of the death of "watercooler" media: the TV show everyone is watching, the news story everyone is following, the topic that the whole world seemingly can't stop talking about. The Internet's ability to slice and dice culture into niches and easy-to-follow subcultures was supposed to more or less destroy that. Yet we had another "War of the Worlds": something weird and bizarre that made us all completely freak out like spooked chickens.
For better or for worse, just about everyone on Thursday was talking about "Balloon Boy." They were worried about him. They were incessantly searching Google News for any kind of update. They were cracking snarky jokes and wondering if it was "too soon." They were biting their nails when a photograph started to circulate that seemed to show an object falling from the silver saucer balloon. They were relieved when "Balloon Boy" was found safe. And they were angrily cursing themselves and the national news media when it became clear that the whole thing could have been fabricated. This was the news story that disproved our cynicism over the viability of true, mass-media phenomena in the Digital Age. In fact, it was the tools of the Web--streaming video, Twitter, news aggregators--that made "Balloon Boy" into the sensation that he became.
And honestly? If we have to look like gullible idiots, we might as well all be in it together.
Orson Welles' Martians finally land--in a Colorado attic | The Social - CNET News
Duchovny Discusses 'Californication, More 'X-Files'
A handful of revelations pop up in an interview David Duchovny did recently with The Daily Beast. Among them: the future of the X-Files film franchise, how long he'd like to keep doing Californication, and where the similarities with Hank Moody begin and end.
Duchovny's portrayal of misanthropic, sex-addled novelist Hank Moody is largely informed by his own time as a Yale doctoral student in his 20s, TDB writes.
"I envisioned that as my life: staying in academia to make a living and then taking summers off to write my novels," Duchovny says. "I understand the self-loathing and the resentment, and the discipline that it takes to sit down in front of a typewriter or computer every single day, whether it's going well or not going well...I didn't need to research how to be a professor (for Californication's third season) because I'd already been a teaching assistant when I was pursuing my Ph.D.; it was a very clear memory."
"The key to Hank Moody, certainly for me in acting him, is that he's one of those guys who don't give a f***, just like Larry David's character, which is a wish-fulfillment fantasy for all of us."
The actor predicts that he will play Hank Moody for another two to three years. "One of the great things about doing cable is that going past seven years is not part of the network's financial model, so I'm not afraid we’ll go too long," Duchovny says.
On The X-Files, Duchovny notes: "A show or movie with the staying power of The X-Files happens so rarely, it’s a once-in-a-lifetime event for an actor, and a certain residue accrues to a person when they are involved in something like that. There was a prejudice within the Hollywood community where they didn't know I could do anything else. I understand the residue and I don't resent it, but certainly I am happy to have created another character that's so different, in a different genre, and I would love to keep doing that."
Still -- and despite the pummeling last year's The X-Files: I Want to Believe took -- Duchovny looks forward to filming a third X-Files film in the near future. "As far as the X-Files movie I'd like to do next, if we get a chance to do it, would be a return to the heart and soul of the mythology, which is the alien-oriented conspiracy. I think it's natural for The X-Files to have another movie in 2012, so we'll see if we get to do it," Duchovny told TDB.
Finally, regarding his highly publicized bout with sex addiction, Duchovny tells TDB he is not a Method actor and his off-camera struggles do not affect his performance: "I understand why people ask that question, but there is never a personal-life connection between my characters and myself. I'm a professional and I can access what I need to access, so there's no bleed-over. I didn’t need to believe in aliens to play Mulder. As for my personal life, everything is fantastic right now."
Full story:
Duchovny Discusses 'Californication, More 'X-Files' at
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
‘Stargate Universe’ Gets Massive Week 2 Audience Gain
As a testimony to the quality of its premiere, Syfy’s Stargate Universe received a massive 22% audience gain, hitting 2.4 million viewers when the final part of its 3-part premiere story ‘Air’ was shown last Friday.
“Stargate Universe grew in its second week, with a massive 22 percent gain in Adults 18-49, 13 percent in adults 25-54, and about 2.4 million total viewers,” Senior VP of Syfy Craig Engler said.
“I can’t emphasize ...
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Ian McKellen Hasn’t Seen the ‘X-Men Origins: Magneto’ Script
Ian McKellen's part in X-Men Origins: Magneto will be small at best
Six months ago X-Men Origins: Wolverine producer Lauren Shuler Donner confirmed Fox had a “great script” for X-Men Origins: Magneto.
The script comes from David S. Goyer, known for his work on ...
Will a Millennium movie happen without Chris Carter? | SCI FI Wire
Lance Henriksen, the veteran sci-fi character actor perhaps best known for playing former FBI profiler Frank Black in the '90s TV series Millennium, has been talking about a feature-film follow-up/sequel for years and has reportedly been approached by investors interested in mounting an independent production, though Fox owns the rights.
Now comes news, via ScreenRant, that Fox itself may be considering a new independent movie based on the Chris-Carter-created show, with Henriksen but without Carter (who also created The X-Files and co-wrote and directed last year's flop The X-Files: I Want to Believe).
Lance Henriksen as Frank Black
I have heard rumblings that Fox are interested in bringing Millennium back to screens—possibly without the involvement of Chris Carter—and this independent route would seem like a way of doing so. It's also believed that the studio intends to make another X-Files film, and again it's possible that Carter won't be involved ... .Now, be aware that this is speculation, but also something that I have heard through the grapevine, so there might be some truth to it.
Fans recall that the show, which aired on Fox 1996-'99, centered on Black, a former FBI investigator with a history of mental issues, who is recruited by the mysterious Millennium Group, a private group of former law-enforcement personnel who investigate crimes of the supernatural but whose true agenda remained murky and had something to do with the coming millennial year (2000, though the actual new millennium kicked off in 2001).
The show had a rocky creative history, owing to changing executive producers (Carter, then former X-Files writers Glen Morgan and James Wong, then Carter again), network interference and a rambling and at times incoherent mythology. The show was canceled before it could wrap up; a 1999 episode of The X-Files, titled "Millennium," brought back Henriksen as Black to put a coda on the Millennium TV series.
ScreenRant suggests that a new independent Millennium movie would be spearheaded by filmmaker Brett A. Hart, who directed Henriksen in the indie feature Bone Dry:
I spoke with Hart who had this to say about the project:"As a tremendous admirer of "The Millennium Series" I'm of course very intrigued by the recent rumors that there may indeed be a full length feature on the horizon. If any one can get "Millennium" made it's Lance, and it's been a long time coming. It's time to give the fans what they've been patiently waiting to see... More insight into the aberrant world of Frank Black ... while further elevating and merging storylines, characterization and visuals... and finally closure for one of the finest series ever created. Let's hope as the title sequence suggest "The Time is near" ... and as I've already publicly stated ... my passion and conviction for the series is so deep that I'd direct "Millennium—The Movie" for free just to see it on the big screen."
Not sure how a movie would work: The millennial changeover has come and gone, and basing a film on that would be kind of like calling a movie "Y2K." But Henriksen remains a great screen presence, and it would be nice to see him glowering as Frank Black one last time.
Will a Millennium movie happen without Chris Carter? | SCI FI Wire
Monday, October 12, 2009
Raimi Confirms Robert Rodat Writing ‘Warcraft’ Film
Back in July we learned that Sam Raimi had signed on to direct Warcraft, a live-action feature film based on the game World of Warcraft.
The Spider-Man director has now confirmed that he’s snared Saving Private Ryan writer Robert Rodat to pen the screenplay.
Raimi also expanded on what fans can expect from the film, adding that Rodat’s job will be to create an original story that ...
ABC Announces a Full Season For ‘Flash Forward’
This is great news, Cannot wait to see the rest of the season, keep up the great work Flash Forward!!
Flash Forward gets a full season
ABC has given the green-light to a full season of Flash Forward, announcing the go-ahead for nine more episodes.
Though the viewer numbers on Flash Forward have dropped a little since its premiere, Flash Forward is still rating strong and is the no. 1 series on a night filled with some tough competition.
New DVR stats showed the ...
Roland Emmerich Talks ‘Independence Day 2′
This is great news, I would so love it if there would be a part 2 with a bigger invasion!!! wooohoo!!
Thirteen years ago Roland Emmerich smashed the box office with his alien invasion and world destroying disaster flick Independence Day. The film gathered $811M worldwide and took home the Oscar for Best Visual Effects amongst dozens of other awards. Naturally, everyone expected a sequel.
Now details have emerged that offer a hint at why a sequel hasn’t happened yet and, just as interesting, that one may still happen.
In a recent interview with ...
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Nimoy in Discussions to Appear in More ‘Fringe’ Episodes
Leonard Nimoy in Fringe S02E04 'Momentum Deferred'
78 year old Leonard Nimoy, who is most well known for his role as Spock in Star Trek, plays William Bell in Fringe, the founder of a mysterious corporation called Massive Dynamic.
At the end of Fringe season one we learned that Bell has an office in the still standing World Trade Center of an alternate reality but we don’t yet know if he’s ...
Monday, October 5, 2009
'Californication' renewed for a fourth season
You're going to see more of David Duchovny as Hank Moody.
Showtime announced today that it has renewed the provocative comedy "Californication" for a fourth season of 12 episodes.
The fourth season will start next year. This season, Hank has started teaching at a university.
The premium channel noted that the season premiere last week was up 57 percent from the previous season premiere. The show has bolstered the career of "X-Files" star Duchovny, who won a Golden Globe for playing randy Hank.
What do you think of this renewal?
Orlando Sentinel - 'Californication' renewed for a fourth season by Hal Boedeker
Sunday, October 4, 2009
I have to say that this is one of my most favorite anime ever, I will always watch Robotech and continue to love the show. I hope a live action movie is coming soon I am sure Robotech fans would love that!! go Robotech!
Harmony Gold, in association with Fireworks International and Manga Entertianment UK, are pleased to announce that Robotech the series and Robotech: The Shadow Chronicles are now available for as a free on streaming sites such as and YouTube.
Manga Entertainment UK and Harmony Gold have uploaded all Macross Saga episodes to Hulu and YouTube, and Robotech Masters episodes to YouTube! Fans across North America and the United Kingdom can now watch these groundbreaking series directly on their computer legally at no cost!
For Robotech: The Macross Saga on YouTube, click here
For Robotech: The Masters on YouTube, click here
For Robotech: The Macross Saga on Hulu, click here
In addition to, Fireworks International and Harmony Gold have now released the award-winning animated feature film on YouTube. Fans from across the United States can now watch the animated feature for free at any time on both platforms! The film is currently the number one animated feature film on
To watch The Shadow Chronicles on YouTube, click here
To watch The Shadow Chronicles on Hulu, click here
Robotech and Robotech: The Shadow Chronicles are also available through iTunes, Xbox Live, Amazon, and Direct2Drive, along with Sony's Playstation Network Store.
You can find out how to download these items to your media device by clicking here.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Walton Goggins Cast in ‘Predators’?
Walter Goggins cast in 'Predators'
Walter Goggins (The Bourne Identity / Shanghai Noon / House of 1000 Corpses) has been cast in director Nimrod Antal’s Predators, according to a report on Coming Soon.
Though Goggins has appeared in a number of movies, he is perhaps best known for his portrayal of Detective Shane Vendrell in 89 episodes of The Shield.
No details have been announced regarding his role in Predators, ...
This is cool I hope he does a great job, he did a great job in The Shield….
Friday, October 2, 2009
152 Images From ‘Stargate Universe’ S01E01 & S01E02 ‘Air’
Thursday, October 1, 2009
‘Day One’ Series Canceled, Now a Mini-Series Instead
David Lyons hears about NBC's decision to cut back on 'Day One'
NBC has canceled plans, at least for the moment, to produce a 13-episode season of its new sci-fi thriller Day One.
The network is now planning to convert Day One into a four-hour mini-series event that will probably be aired as two separate 2-hour movies.
I’m saddened to hear this news as I truly believe ...
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Production Begins on ‘Resident Evil: Afterlife’
Screen Gems and Constantin Film announced today that Resident Evil: Afterlife has begun production in Toronto, Canada. Resident Evil: Afterlife is the fourth Resident Evil film but the first to be shot and released in 3-D.
“The Resident Evil franchise has successfully entertained audiences around the globe and we are pleased to bring yet another installment to fans with the same creative team, but this time in 3-D,” Screen Gems’ President Clint Culpepper said.
Most of the key ...
Monday, September 28, 2009
Terminator rights up for sale again (but don't worry...much)
The rights to the Terminator franchise are up for sale again, but there's probably not too much reason to worry about whether there will be another movie or not. After all, the rights have had many owners over the years, starting with Helmdale Films and producer Gale Anne Hurd in the 1980s who eached owned a 50% stake.
Next came Mario Kassar and Andrew Vajna's Carolco Pictures, which picked up Helmdale's half in 1990. When Carolco filed for bankruptcy in 1997, Vajna and Kassar formed C2 Pictures and bought the rights again, also acquiring Hurd's 50%. Then in 2007 they sold the rights to Derek Anderson and Victor Kubicek, who apparently own several companies that all have some piece of Terminator and that are also all in bankruptcy.
The LA Times reports Anderson and Kubicek probably have many options for Terminator, like taking on investors or just selling the franchise outright. There is no word yet on how this effects Terminator movies 5 and 6, which Terminator: Salvation director McG is working on, but even if those movies don't go forward, as history shows it's a safe bet that whoever ends up with rights will figure out a way to make another film.
Terminator rights up for sale again (but don't worry...much) | SCI FI Wire
Producer: Don't Give Up On The Sarah Connor Chronicles!
Like the embattled resistance against Skynet, fans of Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles have refused to surrender. They've rented a mobile billboard for the canceled Fox show this week. And now producer James Middleton tells io9 there's reason for hope.
The Sarah Connor Chronicles went off the air last May, and seems unlikely to come back to television. But fans have become increasingly focused on the idea that the show could have a direct-to-DVD movie sequel. The show's creator and showrunner, Josh Friedman,told us back in May that the show was over, and unlikely to be revived.
But fans have kept clamoring for a direct-to-DVD continuation. So we decided to ask producer James Middleton (who also produced Terminator Salvation) if there was any hope whatsoever that fans might get their wish. Have there been any meetings about a direct-to-DVD sequel, or other continuation? Middleton responded via email:
The quick answer is, yes, there have been many discussions. I can't go into more detail about the subject until I have something truly substantial to report. What the fans should know is that I hear them and I too would love to see T:SCC come back in some form.
So it sounds like there's reason to hope after all. At least, the reference to "many discussions" sounds encouraging, as does the notion that Middleton may actually have something "substantial" to report at some point. So fingers crossed!
And here's a better look at that mobile billboard, which drove around near the Warner Bros. studio offices for three days this past week:
Sunday, September 27, 2009
‘Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring’ Score Live in New York
If you’re a film score buff and you live in New York, you’re going to love this.
On October 9 and 10 the Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring score will be performed live by more than 300 musicians while the movie plays on a 60-foot screen at the Radio City Musical Hall in New ...
Saturday, September 26, 2009
‘Flash Forward’ is the New Kid on the Block
As was expected, ABC’s new sci-fi drama Flash Forward has run away with the ratings in its premiere episode.
The show dominated the rankings pecking order on Thursday night, easily crushing its competition by dragging in 12.4 million viewers. Flash Forward’s strong debut helped ABC to dominate all other networks for Thursday’s ratings. With continued performance like that an early second season announcement would not be a surprise.
Source: Variety
View article...‘V’: ABC to Split the Series, Production Halt Continues
Since ABC first announced they were rebooting the 1980’s sci-fi alien invasion series V it seems all we’ve heard about the production has been negative.
In the latest announcement, ABC have told EW that they are now only going to air the first four episodes before they’ll take it off their schedule, and that the final episodes of season one won’t return until after the Olympics in March.
Further, production
Thursday, September 24, 2009
‘Dune’ Remake: Peter Berg Aims For Hard PG-13 Rating
Director Peter Berg has updated MTV on his plans for his feature film version of Frank Herbert’s 1965 sci fi novel Dune.
In addition to what we learned in April and in August, Berg has now confirmed the studio will be aiming at a “hard PG-13″ rating with the potential for more than one film.
“There’s definitely a franchise potential,” Berg said, calling Josh Zetumer’s 200 ...
‘X-Men Origins: Wolverine’ No.1 on DVD Charts
Rentrak Corporation has announced the Top 10 DVD Sales and Rentals for the week and X-Men Origins: Wolverine has landed the no.1 spot in both categories.
The statistics are based on estimated consumer spending according to data collected for the week ending September 20, 2009.
The first season of Fringe came in at no.8 and the third season of Heroes came in at no.9.
Here’s links to the various releases: X-Men Origins: Wolverine (Two-Disc ...
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
‘Transformers 3′ Release Could Get Pushed Back to 2012
Bumble Bee wonders when he'll cry next: 2011 or 2012?
In March of this year Paramount announced that Transformers 3 would be released on July 1, 2011. The next day Transformers director Michael Bay publicly announced there was no way he could be involved with the movie if it was to be released any time prior to 2012.
Now it seems there is a possibility that ...
Monday, September 14, 2009
Patrick Swayze Dies At Age 57 - Entertainment News Story
A publicist for Patrick Swayze says the "Dirty Dancing" actor has died.
Swayze was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in late January 2008
Patrick Swayze Dies At Age 57 - Entertainment News Story - WLWT Cincinnati
Katee Sackhoff is as clueless about Starbuck as everyone else
Katee Sackhoff is as clueless about Starbuck as everyone else
If you're hoping that the actress behind Kara Thrace can shed light on her character's journey from drunken hotshot pilot to the saviour of mankind, think again. For Katee Sackhoff, the mysteries surrounding her Battlestar Galactica role aren't annoying—they're essential.
Asked whether she could shed any light on Starbuck's past, Katee Sackhoff had this to say:
"No. There's no reason to find out who or what she was. I don't think that's something that Ron [Moore] ever wanted. Who Starbuck was as a metaphor was always up in the air. She was always on this self discovery of trying to find herself the entire run of the show. I think it's poetic justice for her to end the way she did. There's no point in trying to figure it out, I think that would ruin what was a very simple end for her."
Katee Sackhoff is as clueless about Starbuck as everyone else | SCI FI Wire
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Rumor: Bruce Campbell to Play Mysterio in ‘Spider-Man 4′
(left) Mysterio and (right) Bruce Campbell in Spider-Man 2
Bruce Campbell has unveiled that he may have a bigger role in Spider-Man 4 than any of the minor roles he previously played in the first three films.
Apparently he’s been told he has a major part and, although he admits he knows nothing more than that, speculation is high that ...
‘True Blood’ Wins an Emmy for Outstanding Casting
True Blood wins an Emmy for 'Outstanding Casting for a Drama Series'
HBO’s True Blood has won an Emmy award for ‘Outstanding Casting For A Drama Series’.
The immensely popular series defeated Damages, Friday Night Lights, Mad Men and The Tudors to win the award.
Congratulations go to casting directors Junie Lowry Johnson and Libby Goldstein.
The second season finale of True Blood, S02E12 ‘Beyond Here Lies Nothin’, airs ...
This is great news I love this!!
Friday, September 11, 2009
'Vampire Diaries' Stars Arrested for Allegedly Flashing Motorists in Georgia
The show is not even a hit and the actors are going nuts already, LOL wow!
Four young stars from the CW Network’s hot new show The Vampire Diaries were busted for flashing motorists from a bridge, has learned.
PHOTOS: Click here to see their mug shots.
Drivers in Forsyth, Georgia got an eyeful on August 22 as they drove past the intersection as the shapely young stars were doing a promotional shoot .
Stars Nina Dobrev, 20, Candice Accola, 22, Kayla Ewell, 24, and Sara Canning, 22, all ended up sinking their teeth into some jail food after they were charged with disorderly conduct charges.
Photographer Tyler Shields and actress Krystal Vayda – who does not appear on the show – were also charged.
According to the police report from Monroe county Sheriff’s Department, Deputies Morgan and Jackson responded to a call at Rumble Road Bridge at 3.42 pm on August 22 after reports that several kids had been hanging and flashing from the bridge at the I -75 northbound intersection.
The officers reported that when they arrived on the scene they made contact with five females and one male standing on the bridge.
Officer Morgan checked his cameras they discovered various images of females hanging, sitting and straddling the bridge.
One photograph even showed one female being held by her legs by the other female as if they were trying to throw her over.
The officers then instructed them to show some identification before taking them to the Sheriff’s Office and booking them for disorderly conduct.
Tyler Shields posted $4.000 in fines and described the police as having a "flair for the dramatic."
Vampire Diaries premiered on the CW Network last night and averaged 4.84 million total viewers, according to Nielsen overnights.
Judge Awards Halcyon Relief to Make ‘Terminator 5′
During a Los Angeles bankruptcy hearing Judge Ernest Robles has helped Derek Anderson and Victor Kubicek, the producers behind Terminator Salvation, to keep their struggling Halcyon Company operating.
The ruling gives Halcyon some much needed breathing space to continue development of Terminator 5.
Here’s the story in a nutshell.
In 2007 California based hedge fund Pacificor lent Halcyon $30M so that they could acquire the rights to the Terminator franchise. Halcyon state the lender then deliberately ...
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Warner Bros. Walk Away From ‘Grayskull’
Dolph Lundgren in the 1987 film 'Masters of the Universe'
The Warner Bros. live-action Masters of the Universe film, Grayskull, was scheduled for release in 2011. That’s not going to happen.
Warner Bros. has just parted company with Mattel after the two failed to agree on the direction of the project.
Masters of the Universe is a popular Mattel franchise that was created 28 ...
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
‘Judge Dredd’ Feature Film Update
Early concept art for the new 'Judge Dredd' film
Back in December 2008 we learned a new live-action Judge Dredd movie was given the green light by DNA Films. Production was scheduled to start in 2009 however since io9 debuted some original concept art for the film news has been scarce.
At last we have something. Thanks to ...
Rumor: ‘Resident Evil 5′ a Reboot Without Milla Jovovich?
Resident Evil: Afterlife is the fourth movie in the Resident Evil franchise. It will be filmed in 3D and will be released August 27, 2010.
Director Paul W.S. Anderson recently confirmed Resident Evil: Afterlife would be the first in a new Resident Evil trilogy, adding that he regarded the next film as ...
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Fox Announces Reboot of ‘Fantastic Four’
Back in March we heard of plans to reboot Fantastic Four, but now 20th Century Fox have made it official.
The announcement comes hot on the heels of Disney’s announcement that they’re acquiring Marvel. I can’t say if there’s really any connection however, since Fox have perpetual rights to make Fantastic Four movies for as long as, well, as long as they’re making Fantastic Four movies. If they keep ...