'Californication' Season 4 Trailer!
from X-Files News by tiffany_devol@xfilesnews.com (Tiffany Devol)
The wait is almost over!
Season 4 of Showtime's Californication premieres on Sunday, January 9th!
from X-Files News by tiffany_devol@xfilesnews.com (Tiffany Devol)
The wait is almost over!
Season 4 of Showtime's Californication premieres on Sunday, January 9th!
from X Files Latest News by tiffany_devol@xfilesnews.com (Tiffany Devol)
Are you a Canadian who misses The X-Files? Well has Investigation Discovery got a New Years surprise for you!
Beginning on January 1st, the channel will kick off a a 12-hour X-Files marathon and on Wednesday January 5th, the series will begin from the "Pilot" on and will air 3 nights a week.
Head over to Channel Canada for more info and remember to make watching The X-Files a part of your New Year's Resolution plans!
from X-Files News by tiffany_devol@xfilesnews.com (Tiffany Devol)
This week's featured video is brought to you by Eithne & Giobazz.
Mulder and Scully - Set Fire to the Third Bar, takes a very interesting look at the Mulder and Scully relationship by bringing to the surface their paralyzing fear of losing one another. The video also draws a parallel between Mulder's guilt over not being able to help his sister and his guilt surrounding his involvement in the tragedies that Scully must face.
from X Files Latest News by tiffany_devol@xfilesnews.com (Tiffany Devol)
Need a sci-fi education? Specifically one involving The X-Files? Well, according to GuidetoOnlineSchools.com, XFN can do just that.
XFilesNews has made their top 100 list of Science Fiction Fantasy blogs!
Coming in at number 91, XFN is the only X-Files related website featured and we're surrounded by Trekkies, Twihards and Terminator Fans!
XFilesNews-One of the biggest science fiction television shows ever now meets its Internet blog site match with this fun and essential webhub for fans.
Head over to GuidetoOnlineSchools to check out the rest of the list!
from X-Files News by tiffany_devol@xfilesnews.com (Tiffany Devol)
After nearly 2 years in the making, the LAX-Files has finally seen its release!
XFN has been covering news about this book for a very long time now and we are very happy to announce that it has been published and is now available on Amazon!
If you've been looking for the perfect holiday gift for a fellow phile (or even yourself), this is it!
The LAX-Files covers filming locations in the Los Angeles area from seasons 6 through 9 of The X-Files in addition to locations from the series' first feature film, The X-Files: Fight the Future. In it you will find interviews from cast and crew; including Chris Carter, Gillian Anderson, David Duchovny, Dean Haglund, Mark Snow, and many, many more! Expect to read never before seen stories on behind the scenes happenings from popular episodes like "Hollywood A.D." and "Arcadia." For instance, did you know that the episode "Arcadia" almost never made it to film? Also included in the book is information about some of the most popular Southern California X-Files locations including William's birth place, the mansion from "How the Ghosts Stole Christmas," and the Federal Building from Fight the Future.
The profits from LAX-Files will be donated to the American Cancer Society in Kim Manners' name.
Want to read a few spoilers from the book? Head over to the LAX-Files page on Facebook!
from Chillpak Hollywood Hour by Phil Leirness
Phil discusses his Thanksgiving birthday and talks about a voice-over gig. Dean describes his trips to Savannah, Georgia and Austin, Texas, plus his excursion to the Queen Mary in Long Beach to do improv with the Ghost Adventurers. After discussing the latest news about the SAG and AFTRA negotiations with the AMPTP, and the latest details in the murder of publicist Ronni Chasen, your friends in podcasting offer up their remembrances of Leslie Nielsen and Irvin Kershner. Then, they get down to the business of answering questions from you (yes, YOU) their listeners. Dean and Phil offer up telling and hilarious remembrances from their art/film school days. Dean discusses why he’s never pursued writing for comedy or sketch comedy television. Dean compares the acting processes of “X-Files” leading men David Duchovny and Robert Patrick. Then, Phil launches into a passionate exposition on the state of acting, with contributions from Sean Penn, Javier Bardem, Ryan Gosling and Alejandro Gonzalez-Innaritu, ultimately positing the theory that “intimacy is the new punk”. He also offers a mea culpa to all fans of the “Twilight” films, “Dexter” and “The Walking Dead” all of which he has criticized in the past (and will criticize in the future) before taking such shows as “Psych” and “Castle” to task for their relentlessly numbing and “jokey” sensibilities. It’s a full, funny and furious installment of YOUR Chillpak Hollywood Hour.
Oh, and don’t forget to check out Dean and Phil’s appearances on the ActorsE Chat Show (Dean’s, Phil’s), and the trailer to their film The Truth Is Out There.
from Chillpak Hollywood Hour by Phil Leirness
It’s Happy Birthday to Phil, Happy Thanksgiving to the USA and Happy Holidays from Chillpak to all of you! Because it’s the holidays and because the economy has been tough all over, Chillpaks are (for a limited time) only $19.95 with FREE SHIPPING anywhere in the world! Check out our sponsor at www.chillpak.com for more. And, of course, listen to the latest installment of YOUR Chillpak Hollywood Hour, the gift that keeps on giving! Hear all about some films you might want to see, some you might want to avoid, and some films and television shows you might want to look forward to. Hear all about who’s going to win this year’s Best Actor and Best Actress Oscars. Hear all about Phil’s thoughts on turning 42 and having age “settle upon him”, and a rather personal story he tells about seeking a healthier relationship to his body. Want to hear and SEE more of your friends in podcasting, Dean Haglund and Phil Leirness? Then check out ActorsE Chat Show, to see first Phil (Wednesday 24 November), and then Dean (Tuesday 30 November), when they each guest for a full hour of live, streaming video webchat. Starts 10 am Pacific Coast time. Apparently, you can log in with questions and comments!
from X-Files News by ROI_OLLSON@XFILESNEWS.COM (Roileigh Ollson)
Recently, Indian spiritual leader and humanitarian Mata Amritanandamayi, also known as Amma, visited London to receive thousands of followers. She's a Hindu, but preaches no religion. Instead, she simply spreads a message of love and compassion.
A message with which Gillian Anderson seems to agree with. As reported by Amma's website, in London Gillian became one of the 25 million people "the Hugging Saint" has embraced in her lifetime. In the video, you can also see that Gillian receives the gift of an apple, something which Amma sometimes gives out.
With the holidays fast approaching, it seems like a message anyone could enjoy.
Three months ago, the Aussie X-Files Fans @ Facebook began a fundraising journey supporting "Alinyiikira Junior School". Since September, there have been 10 rounds of merchandise and autograph auctions on eBay, and for the last two weeks in November they've saved the best items for last.
Currently on their eBay store, you'll find photographs signed by both David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson exclusively for this fundraiser, as well as FHM Memorabilia signed by Gillian Anderson. In the coming days there will also be a signed "Break Of Noon" Playbill and a "Table Read" photograph from I Want To Believe signed by Frank Spotnitz, Chris Carter, Gillian Anderson, and David Duchovny. The final round will end on Tuesday November, 30th at 12pm AEDST.
AXF is grateful to everyone for their support throughout this year's fundraiser, and they look forward to sharing their final tally with everyone in the coming weeks.
Check out the photos from the final round of auctions here, and be sure to get involved! It's for a great cause, and it gives you an excuse to add to that XF shrine you've got stashed away!
LIFE magazine published on online photo gallery this afternoon titled, Odd & Amazing: Stars by Chris Buck.
Gillian Anderson is one of the photos featured along with a very interesting story about her and the photographer!
"The funny thing is, she took some pictures of me during that day, and she asked for a print. Apparently she hung a picture that she took of me on her wall."
Head over to LIFE to read the rest!
Horror writer, journalist and film critic, John Kenneth Muir, shows 1013 some love today in his list of the top 10 greatest cult TV endings in history. Both The X-Files and Millennium have made his list and they stand up with some truly amazing series' endings.
Millennium comes in at number 7 with "Goodbye to All That" (1999).
"By ending in vague, but visually gorgeous fashion, Millennium once again shares that important idea with its audience. We can't tell you what's going to happen folks; or even why things are like this. We're just going to go out with this message; that tomorrow brings new possibilities. Good or bad. It's up to you, and children like Jordan to determine the specifics."
The X-Files is number 4 on the list with "The Truth" (2002).
"This beautifully-worded, passionately-delivered monologue is the heart and soul of The X-Files: the universal human yearning to believe in something greater than what we see and hear around us everyday. The truth is not out there, it's in here...in the hearts of Mulder and Scully."
John is also a fan of the last two seasons of The X-Files writing, "Those who endlessly repeat the myth that The X-Files somehow got tired and old in its last two seasons, obviously weren't watching it during that spell to speak truthfully about it."
For a much more in depth look at John's breakdown of the Millennium and X-Files finales, including words that will bring a chill and tears to any phile, let your fingers do the walking over to John's blog. You will not regret it.
Much thanks to our family at BacktoFrankBlack for giving us the heads up!
from Chillpak Hollywood Hour by Phil Leirness
Your friends in podcasting compare notes on their recent respective adventures in acting before launching into a diatribe on the bizarre way Hollywood casts ladies relative to their real ages. From there, it’s fond remembrances of two entertainment giants, actress Jill Clayburgh and international producer Dino De Laurentiis. Then, it’s onto questions from listeners Lejon Johnson and Monika Leopold, the former about producing, the latter about shooting and editing documentaries. Then, Phil quizzes Dean on his thoughts about some recent developments that might just help indie fillmakers in particular. Finally, there’s time for a heads-up on a GREAT animated film from last year before Dean and Phil close the show by debating the merits (or lack thereof) of AMC’s smash hit “The Walking Dead”. It’s YOUR Chillpak Hollywood Hour, so keep those questions and comments coming!
As many of you may be aware, David Duchovny has recently made the leap from screen to stage. On October 28th, he made his off-Broadway debut in Neil LaBute’s “The Break of Noon”.
That night, this XFNer got herself onto two trains, and somehow ended up safely in row two of the theater. The following review is inspired by actual documented accounts.
To read the full review, click read more, but be warned, while the end isn’t revealed, there are spoilers.
The New York Post caught up with David Duchovny and published a revealing interview a few hours ago in which David talks about his marriage, his move to New York and The X-Files among other things.
The interviewer even went so far as to ask if his role in Californication had anything to do with his split from wife Tea Leoni in 2008 (they have since reconciled).
When asked about marriage, David had this to say:
I think [marriage] is a living, breathing thing — it’s organic. It’s two people in that dance, and you’ve got to take care of it. That’s my two cents.
Head over to the New York Post to read the full article and be sure to check out David's play, The Break of Noon.
from X-Files News by tiffany_devol@xfilesnews.com (Kylie Thomas - Staff Reporter)
As a self proclaimed 'pudgy' kid, teased about her Yankee roots, Gillian Anderson admits to being torn between the 'magical' image of the U.S she had, and her life growing up in London. In a Metro Online excerpt taken from her December interview in Psychologies, Anderson speaks candidly about her struggle to figure out where she belonged before finally realizing her love for London. Pick up the next issue of Psychologies for the rest of the interview!
Also in the Metro excerpt, the author makes mention of former co-star David Duchovny's recent comment to a French magazine in which he hinted that the script for a third X-Files film was being written, and was awaiting a green-light from Fox.
Is the truth soon to be out there? Only time will tell, but if nine years taught us anything, it's to never give up on a miracle.
by tiffany_devol@xfilesnews.com (Joselyn Rojas - Staff Reporter)
After a much anticipated world premiere on Halloween night, AMC's The Walking Dead and their Zombie apocalypse have arrived to the small screen, snatching up over 5 million viewers it's first night. Three time Oscar winner, director Frank Darabont, brought viewers a 90 minute pilot entitled, "Days Gone Bye." The episode begins with a sudden thrill as Sheriff's Deputy Rick Grimes, wakes up in an empty hospital after being hurt in the line of duty. Panic sets in when he wanders around the facility only to find that he is alone and the place is devastated. As he makes his way outside, he stumbles upon a frightening truth; several corpses lying around the hospital and no one is around. He begins a frantic run home to his family only to find the house empty. The Sheriff soon teams up with other survivors, Morgan and Duane Jones who deliver the terrible news: a zombie outbreak has taken hold of the United States.
As the episode continues, Grimes finds himself en route to Atlanta, where the Centers for Disease Control have set up a quarantine and where he hopes to find his wife and young son. He enters a once bright and alive Atlanta, only to find it silent, gray and dead. It doesn't take long for him to find himself surrounded by a mob of zombies (a la Michael Jackson's Thriller) and scrambles into an abandoned tank to survive the attack. The last thing heard before the screen goes dark is a radio transmission: "Hey you, dumb ass. Yeah you in the tank. Cozy in there?" - A cynical and funny touch that graces the ending to this fantastic pilot.
Far more happens in between beginning and end but you really must watch for yourself. You will not be disappointed.
Based on the comic book series, The Walking Dead created by Robert Kirkman, the episode falls in accordance with common zombie lore. This post-apocalyptic episode shows a destroyed world, dominated in number by zombies named "Walkers" whom by definition, are reanimated corpses. For those horror fans among you, the opening scenes are reminiscent of the film 28 Days (Fox Searchlight Pictures, 2000) which depicts a viral infection that causes a psychotic outbreak known as "the rage." The pilot episode is filled with outstanding special effects and make-up, created by special effects guru, Greg Nicotero (Kill Bill Vol.1, Inglorious Bastards, The Book of Eli).
4.7 million viewers tuned in on Sunday November 7th to watch the second episode, "Guts," where X-Files alum Laurie Holden makes her first appearance with Michelle MacLaren (The X-Files, Breaking Bad, Harsh Realm, Lie to Me) directing.
MacLaren captures the audience with magnificent aerial, in-depth and close-up shots complimented by great lighting and cinematography.
Just days after airing it's second episode, The Walking Dead was renewed for a full 13 episode 2nd season on AMC. Whether you like zombies, or not, The Walking Dead is a fantastic show and proves that to AMC, story does in fact, matter. Even those with blood and guts.
Looks like the "Walkers" are here to stay.
This year, in the spirit of the holiday season, Off The Street Kids are giving people around the world an opportunity to participate in a truly “inspirational” fund-raising campaign.
Representatives from four corners of the globe will be selling wristbands as a part of the “Christmas Challenge” – the difference with these wristbands: You write a message of support or inspiration about OTSK, or a message to one of it’s interns, and send it back to your representative, who in turn sends these messages the Foundation for Social Improvement (FSI). If you want to keep your wristband, you will need to purchase two!
The completed wristbands are then put together to form a chain and are displayed on a “prominent landmark”.
Wristbands will be £2.50 each and will be available through the following representatives:
United Kingdom – Julie Baron (Tomlin)
United States – Alison Groves
Australia – Sandi Hicks
If you would like to buy a wristband (or two!), please send your request along with your name and address to wristbands@otsk.org where it will be forwarded to the relevant seller nearest to your region. They will then make contact with you to explain the payment options and the delivery / returns procedure. Once we receive your donation a wristband will be sent to you. The wristbands need to be back with OTSK / your seller no later than the 17th of December, so that we have plenty of time to get the wristbands back to The FSI by their deadline, so please don’t delay and help us with our challenge!
Alternatively, you can visit OTSK Christmas Challenge Virgin Giving.
100% of all funds raised from the sales of the wristbands will go directly to benefit OTSK.
This is a reminder to all Frank Spotnitz loving Philes of XFN's second reenactment contest. To make sure that you have your lines down, we're giving you a little extra time.
The deadline for the contest has been extended to November 26th. So you have plenty of time to work on your Kim Manners-esque camera angles.
As you may recall, this contest requires only a scene from an episode that Frank took part in writing, that and maybe a red wig.
Your entry can be as simple or as complex as you want. If you need a refresher on the details, head over to the original article. And remember to watch for the correct eyelines while taking into consideration the direction of---just kidding, have fun.
The Believe in the Future campaign and the XF3 Army have worked tirelessly since early 2009 for a third X-Files feature film green light and with the recent explosion of XF3 Script news and Frank Spotnitz’ blog message that he could neither confirm nor deny the news (while urging fans not to give up), XFN is moving forward with a major new phase of the campaign.
Phase 4 of Believe in the Future has been in the works for months and if you missed out on the first three phases or long for the days of writing postcards, hanging with Frankenbear and putting together fan videos, fear not because XFilesNews is about to up the ante.
Believe in the Future, Phase 4
Mailing Campaign- Get your design skills ready because it’s about to go down! XFN is commissioning the XF3 Army to put together fan made XF3 Movie Posters to send to Fox. It is preferred that posters be postcard sized (similar to what was done in the postcard campaign) or on 8 ½ by 11 or 11 by 17 sheets of paper that can be folded in order to mail. XFN will also sponsor a poster design contest with prizes! This time around we are asking for fans worldwide to send their posters directly to XFN Headquarters at:
6712 Selma Ave #2, Los Angeles, CA 90028
We know this fandom is a creative bunch so brush off those colored pencils, crayons and Photoshop computer programs and let’s make it happen!
Video Campaign-
Last year the XF3 Army put together hundreds of videos using the Match.com ads and the IWTB testimonials for reference. On this go around we are asking for vidders to advertise interest for a third X-Files feature film in two ways. The first is to make your own fan made XF3 Trailers! Here is an example. The second is to make a video telling the fandom what The X-Files means to you. Vidder AdaPiper has several very good examples of this here, here and here.
All videos must be uploaded to YouTube so that the general YouTube population can view them. The idea is to ignite more interest in a third film! Please begin the title of your video, XF3Army:
For previous XF3 Army videos, visit the XF3 Army YouTube Page.
Flash Mob Campaign-
To be announced shortly! Philes should prepare for dressing up and getting noticed!
Frankenbear has a Cousin?-
In fact he does though his identity is still under wraps. More information is coming very shortly but be prepared for more worldwide furry fun and all for a great cause!
If 2008 was the Year of the Phile then 2011 is about to become the year of the Phile squared because XFN fully intends on cubing 2012.
Are you a believer?
by tiffany_devol@xfilesnews.com (Tiffany Devol)
Sarah over at Haven posted a scanned imagine of the article inTV Mag where David Duchovny was quoted originally online as saying the following: It is being written. One awaits just the green light from Fox, a little disappointed from the relatively poor reception of the second film. The error comes, in my opinion, that the authors strayed too far from the roots of the series. Moreover, the film was released in the summer. The third will be much closer to what the public expects, with government conspiracies, etc.
It appears that the line, "It is being written." was removed from the print version of this article, or was added to the online version. Interestingly enough, the rest of the quote remains intact.
According to Latino Review who sources David Duchovny's PR Rep but does not provide a name or a direct quote, Duchovny is not aware of any working script for X-Files 3 but would not mind working on another X-Files film with Gillian Anderson again and was proud of the previous two X-Files films.
Frank Spotnitz wrote to fans yesterday on his blog that fans should not give up and that while he wished he could say more, he could neither confirm nor deny the XF3 script news.
The Truth is Out There, you just have to dig through the lies and step over CSM to get to it.
UPDATE- The line "It is being written" has also been mysteriously removed from the online article. Cue Mark Snow's X-Files theme...
from Chillpak Hollywood Hour by Phil Leirness
This week’s installment of YOUR Chillpak Hollywood Hour is such an action-packed installment, that we aren’t going to take much time describing it because we want to listen to it again ourselves! Hear Dean and Phil discuss the latest in television, the latest in movies, the latest in the blurring of the lines between news and entertainment, the latest celebrity deaths, the latest on Dean’s effort to become a U.S. citizen, and his most recent acting role! Buckle up, this one comes at you fast and furious.
from X-Files News by ROI_OLLSON@XFILESNEWS.COM (The XFN Team)
On October 13th, XFN announced a pumpkin carving contest. Because for the show that exemplifies all things spooky, there's really only one holiday that celebrates both aliens and mutants, and that's Halloween.
Over the next two weeks you sent us your photos, and a week ago, we asked you the Philes to vote and decide who the winner of the contest would be. And seeing as CSM is dead, you don't have to worry about voting fraud.
With 36% of the vote, the winner of the XFN Pumpkin Carving Contest is Robin! Congratulations! Your carving of Mulder and Scully had us all wanting to believe. And as promised, you win the prize: a set of Macfarlene Mulder and Scully action figures in FBI attire, sealed in their original packaging.
In second place with 21% of the vote is Emily, followed closely by Mel with 17%.
Thank you to all those who submitted photos and to those who voted. You helped to make this Halloween extra spooky!
from X-Files News by tiffany_devol@xfilesnews.com (Tiffany Devol)
Frank Spotnitz addressed the XF3 script news/rumors this morning with the following:
I'm afraid I can neither confirm nor deny. I wish I could say more, but all I can say is what I've said all along:Don't give up!
Over the past 48 hours, multiple websites and press outlets have reported that a script for a third X-Files feature film is in fact underway with news originally broken by TVMag and XFilesNews.
Fox All Access picked up the story last night as well and fans took to twitter to express their excitement with over 700 posts before XFN stopped counting.
XFN has been working to further the coverage to get more philes on board for a third film and to send a very clear message to Fox that the fans, are still out there.
XFilesNews will continue to post more on this as it becomes available.
from MovieWeb: News by MovieWeb
David Duchovny recently talked with TVmag (via Xfilesnews.com), and despite The X-Files: I Want to Believe tanking at the box office, the actor claims that a script for The X-Files 3 is currently being written. The sequel is coming, though the production is awaiting a green light from 20th Century Fox, who is a little hesitant about moving forward on the project due to the underperformance of the last installment.
Here is what David Duchovny had to say (as translated into English):
"It is in the process of being written. One awaits just the green light from Fox, who are a little disappointed from the relatively poor reception of the second film. (The film grossed $20.8 million.) The error comes, in my opinion, from the authors straying too far from the roots of the series. Moreover, the film was released in the summer. The third will be much closer to what the public expects, with government conspiracies, etc."
There is no official word from 20th Century Fox on this news, but we will keep you updated as more information on The X-Files 3 is revealed.
The X-Files 3 is in development and stars David Duchovny, Gillian Anderson.
from Chillpak Hollywood Hour by Phil Leirness
Robbie Consing is one of the top storyboard artists in the film biz. Since starting in 1991, Robbie has lent his illustrating talents to the pre-visualization of more than forty feature films. He has worked on such blockbusters as Batman Forever, The Rock, Face/Off, Armageddon, Inspector Gadget, The Haunting, Mission: Impossible 2,Pearl Harbor, Minority Report, X2, Terminator 3, National Treasure, Mr. & Mrs. Smith and Transformers. He has collaborated with such acclaimed directors as David Fincher, Oliver Stone, John Woo, Bryan Singer, Steven Spielberg, Doug Liman and JJ Abrams. Currently, he is hard at work on the new Spider-Man reboot. Most important of all, he’s a loyal listener of YOUR Chillpak Hollywood Hour! And now he’s our guest!
from Chillpak Hollywood Hour by Phil Leirness
Dean Haglund and Phil Leirness talk movies on this week’s show. It’s a star-studded event, featuring forthcoming efforts by Johnny Depp, Gary Oldman, Bruce Willis, Robin Williams, John C. Reilly, Kate Winslet, Jodie Foster, and current releases like Red, The Social Network, Secretariat, Fair Game, Easy A, The Town, Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps, Let Me In, and Hereafter. All that, plus your friends in podcasting discuss a very interesting stage show, “Mortified”, in which loyal listener Shaun Parker participated, they say goodbye to Barbara Billingsley and Tom Bosley, and they riff on the ever-more-curious adventures of Randy and Evi Quaid. And Phil signs off with a rock-solid DVD selection from Korea. Don’t miss a minute of YOUR Chillpak Hollywood Hour this week because you’ll be missing a lot!
from X-Files News by tiffany_devol@xfilesnews.com (Tiffany Devol)
If you thought IBG nailed it with David Duchovny, are you in for a treat now!
XFN has just learned that Gillian Anderson is also participating in the IBG auctions!
Gillian has generously donated two set visits, complete with Meet and Greets for her new film, Johnny English Reborn in the UK!
The set visit will last approximately 3 to 5 hours and will take place sometime between December 8th and 11th with the exact date to be worked out between IBG and the production as filming gets closer. The visits will be auctioned simultaneously and will be scheduled on the same day.
Also good news for those who have yet to register for the auctions, the date for submitting bids has been extended until October 28th with the live auction event to now be held onOctober 30th!
Starting Bids
Johnny English Reborn Set Visit and Meet and Greet with Gillian Anderson #1 $500.00
Johnny English Reborn Set Visit and Meet and Greet with Gillian Anderson #2 $500.00
2 Tickets to The Break of Noon and Meet and Greet with David Duchovny $250.00
Castle Set Visit #1: $400.00
Castle Set Visit #2: $400.00
4 VIP Tickets to The Soup and a Meet and Greet with Joel McHale: $200.00
2 VIP Tickets to a Taping of Two and a Half Men: $50.00
Outback Handbag: $20.00
Private Cooking Lesson for 2 with Chef Gavin Mills: $50.00
4 Los Angeles Dodgers Ticket Vouchers: $10.00
For more information on this event including a sideshow of the auction items, a preview of the silent auction catalog and more from all things IBG, head to their website!
from Chillpak Hollywood Hour by Phil Leirness
Another day late and you can take your pick as to why … Dean Haglund flying back from Valley Con in Fargo, North Dakota, Phil in migraine hell, or an error in encoding this week’s show … Nevertheless, your friends in podcasting are back and better than ever, continuing their conversation about the importance, function and nature of criticism, paying particular attention this week to film criticism. A couple of the worst films of all time are compared and contrasted, great films that would never have had the chance to find an audience if it hadn’t been for BAD reviews (!) are discussed, and Dean turns the tables on Phil, quizzing him about what he’s learned from bad reviews his films have received. Informative, irreverent, irrepressible, it’s YOUR Chillpak Hollywood Hour!
from Chillpak Hollywood Hour by Phil Leirness
Forbes Magazine ranked its list of the Top 100 Most Powerful Women in the World – Lady Gaga at #7?! In related news, Dean Haglund explains to Phil Leirness who Lady Gaga is! Meanwhile, John Lennon’s 70th Birthday is celebrated by having the cast of Glee take over the all-time Billboard Hot 100 Charts record from those flashes-in-the-pan The Beatles. Tony Curtis is still being remembered by Dean and Phil. One listener has a question about a new breed of film – The “docuthriller”, while another listener asks about the CGI wizardry that makes Jeff Bridges look exactly like he did when he was 35 in the new trailer for the forthcoming “Tron” sequel. All that, plus what makes us powerful, how best to embody the changes we wish to see in the world AND the latest on why Phil loves Tim Gunn. It’s YOUR Chillpak Hollywood Hour. So, “Make it work, people!”
Episode #177 is everything you've come to expect from YOUR Chillpak Hollywood Hour #177, plus a little bit more!
Available now for listening pleasure at www.chillpakhollywood.com
It’s National Domestic Violence Awareness Month in the U.S. and Phil takes a few minutes to discuss a cause that is very dear to him. Dean got back from the world premiere of his new film, Atlantis Down, in Virginia and he gives us the low-down. Dean and Phil remember the many…
from Chillpak Hollywood Hour by Phil Leirness
It’s 112 degrees Fahrenheit at the offices of Rational Exuberance North, as we post this … No matter how hot it gets, and no matter how hot tempers get in Washington, D.C. where Stephen Colbert visited Congress, or in Hollywood, where the Screen Actors Guild held their annual elections, or in bankruptcy court where Blockbuster filed for Chapter 11, or on television, where “Law and Order: Special Victims Unit” shines a bright light on the plight of hundreds of thousands of rape survivors who have to wait up to thirteen years to have their rape kit evidence tested … No matter how HOT … You can always enjoy the coolness of your Chillpak Hollywood Hour! Show business. The BUSINESS of show. The politics of running a business AND the politics of putting on a show. Dean and Phil touch ‘em all. Enjoy!
from WormholeRiders by WR_Systems
Something special from the past is coming back in a new digital format and our friends atNDB Media are going to bring it to you LIVE! Perhaps some of you have been alive long enough to recall the ground breaking television episodic series Space 1999 from 1975?
Well I and several here at WormholeRiders News Agency certainly do and we intend to drop by to learn what is about to happen to Space 1999!
The series was created by Gerry Anderson and Sylvia Anderson. Starring Martin Landau,Barbara Bain (both from the original Mission Impossible Series), and Nick Tate. The crew of Moon Base Alpha found themselves thrown into deep space by a huge explosion. The crew of Moon Base Alpha struggled to survive under dire circumstances!
Sound like a familiar story arc younger people have observed in more recent series? Well Space 1999 was one of the first episodic show to explore this type story arc 35 years ago and they did an awesome job! In an era when special effects were not computer generated, the series had a huge following! WHR will be dropping by to chat with the guests and learn the secret of what is about to happen to Space 1999 and we hope you do as well!
Best Regards,
WR_Systems (Kenn)
When: On Sunday September 26, 2010 @ 9:00 A.M. PDT/12:00 P.M. EST
September 2010 marks the 35th anniversary of the debut episode of Space 1999. NDB Media in cooperation with author Robert Wood have put together a lineup of guests that will knock your socks off. Guests are still being confirmed so stay tuned.
Bill Latham – author of Space 1999: Omega and Space 1999: Alpha
Robert Wood – author of Destination: Moonbase Alpha: The unofficial and unauthorized guide to Space 1999 and director of The Return of Victor Bergman. Eric Bernard, Richard Bendell, and Steve Warnek the men behind the 2099 project.
Mateo Latosa from POWYS Media publishers of the Space 1999 novels.
Actress Suzanne Roquette who played Tanya Alexander in the second season of Space 1999.
More guests and surprises to come!!
Join us for a special Sunday morning on Blogtalkradio’s: NDB Media channel. Program call-in:914-338-0314 or e-mail your questions to: roger@ndbmedia.com.
Contact: Roger D. Noriega
Fax 323-357-3868
On September 26, 2010 @ 9:00 A.M. PDT/12:00 P.M. EST
September 2010 marks the 35th anniversary of the debut episode of Space 1999. NDB Media in cooperation with author Robert Wood have put together a lineup of guests that will knock your socks off. Guests are still being confirmed so stay tuned.
· Bill Latham – author of Space 1999: Omega and Space 1999: Alpha
· Robert Wood – author of Destination: Moonbase Alpha: The unofficial and unauthorized guide to Space 1999 and director of The Return of Victor Bergman.
· Eric Bernard, Richard Bendell, and Steve Warnek the men behind the 2099 project.
· Mateo Latosa from POWYS Media publishers of the Space 1999 novels.
· Actress Suzanne Roquette who played Tanya Alexander in the second season of Space 1999.
· More guests and surprises to come!!
Join us for a special Sunday morning on Blogtalkradio's: NDB Media channel. Program call-in: 914-338-0314 or e-mail your questions to: roger@ndbmedia.com.
Roger D. Noriega
Fax 323-357-3868
Dean Haglund tasked Phil Leirness with providing a primer on the work of the late Claude Chabrol, a founding figure of the French New Wave, and a prolific film artist who has often been described as the “French Alfred Hitchcock”. Phil approaches this fulfills this task with his usual thoroughness, so keep that Netflix queue handy! Dean and Phil just got back from a screening of the 2nd edit of their feature documentary, The Truth Is Out There and they share their frustrations, their hopes, their aims and the challenges facing them moving forward. Fall is traditionally the season when it becomes safe for adults (or those youths with discriminating tastes) to return to the cinema, so Dean and Phil continue the cinematic discussion with two films they’re looking forward to, one about to be released AND one currently being cast. Plus they take on the marketing of Never Let Me Go and express their delight over the latest television adventures of Martin Scorsese, Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert. It’s YOUR Chillpak Hollywood Hour.
from Chillpak Hollywood Hour by Phil Leirness
Dean is back from bicycling, wining and dining his way through Provence in France. He and Phil commiserate on the difficulties in getting LAST week’s installment of YOUR Chillpak Hollywood Hour to you (yes, YOU!) their listeners. The ninth anniversary of 9/11 leads to a spirited and illuminating discussion about the events of that day and the many and varied responses to it, including the evolving attitudes towards the U.S. government and Islam. From a pastor in Florida who wants to burn the Quran to Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple, who issued his “Ten Commandments” of the Apple App Store, Dean and Phil take on both controversies and how they are being framed as “freedom of expression” issues. Your friends in podcasting then turn to entertainment to remember the great French New Wave director Claude Chabrol, to express their enthusiasm over a couple of television projects currently in development, and to assess the merits of a handful of forthcoming, current and recent theatrical releases. We thank you for listening and we hope you enjoy.
It's that time of year again. Leaves are falling, temperatures are cooling, and The X-Files is turning 17. You're probably thinking, "Has it really been that long? Am I really that old?". Yes, it has been that long, but no, you are never too old for an X-Files anniversary party.
So join the Skype Philes this Friday, September 10th at 9 pm ET as they celebrate 17 years of great television. The night will start out with the "Pilot" and end with "Requiem", two classically amazing episodes.
If you've never been to Skype Files, click here to learn how to join. And we'll see you in Bellefleur...in the rain and the mud and the rain and the mud.
They had us at, "...in the rain and the mud."
On September 10th 1993, The X-Files pilot premiered at 9pm on Fox and attracted a devoted fan base that would remain loyal, intelligent and vocal for the next 17 years.
Written by Chris Carter and directed by Robert Mandel, the "Pilot" laid the groundwork for a sophisticated and fascinating mythology that would run through the series' 9 seasons and first feature film. The episode also introduced two relatively unknown actors to the silver screen who would soon become household names.
Fans tuned in week to week to follow agents Mulder and Scully down the rabbit hold of interesting cases and unparalleled physical and emotional chemistry.
With an eerie score from composer Mark Snow, and production values surpassing that of anything else on television, The X-Files began to feel less like a television show and more like a 202 part film. In its 9 year run, The X-Files brought quality entertainment, but what started with manhunts and conspiracies soon gave way to philosophy and life affirming lessons; lessons a devoted fan base took to heart.
'Breaking Bad's creator, Vince Gilligan, is the first participant to sign onto IBG Inc's new "A Conversation With" charity series to take place in Los Angeles.
IBG Inc is proud to announce that creator of the Emmy winning Breaking Bad, Vince Gilligan, has signed on to be the first participant in the new “A Conversation With” series thrown by the Los Angeles 501c3. The hour-long conversation with Gilligan will take place at the 90210 Roxbury Theater in Beverly Hills on the afternoon of September 18th 2010. It will be moderated by Michelle MacLaren, producer from Breaking Bad Harsh Realm and The X-Files.
The “A Conversation With” series is designed to bring together fans and some of the most successful producers, directors, writers, and actors working today. The exclusive event will consist of both moderated discussion and open-floor questions in an intimate setting.
A limited number of tickets will be available for sale leading up to the day of the event through IBG Inc’s official website. The listed prices are: General - $30 + $2.50 processing fee and Student - $10 + $2.50 processing fee.
For those of you outside the LA Area that won't be able to attend, XFN will be covering the event and bringing you all the great details!
from Chillpak Hollywood Hour by Phil Leirness
It’s Labor Day here in the U.S. A national holiday, plus a bicycle trip through France for Dean and editorial deadlines for Phil, can only mean that it’s time for a pre-recorded “theme” show. Longtime listeners will remember Chillpak Hollywood Hour #13. The majority of listeners who have come to the show more recently and who have tried to catch up on all the past shows will know that Episode #13 was truly unlucky in that only the first six minutes or so of it still exist! So, after finishing a discussion about movie remakes, started last week and inspired by an email from a listener like you (yes, YOU!), your friends in podcasting finally make amends for that “missing” episode of YOUR Chillpak Hollywood Hour, by spending most of this week’s show discussing the world of James Bond! Dean and Phil compare notes on their favorite 007 adventures, as well as comparing their tastes to those of the viewing public. Here’s hoping this special show all about Bond-age will leave you both shaken AND stirred!
from X-Files News by tiffany_devol@xfilesnews.com (Tiffany Devol)
This week's featured video is a fantastic tribute to The X-Files and one that will set your heart pounding. The vidder has worked on 3 previous beta versions of this video and admits to being inspired by Lyle Goodale who many of you know for his amazing X-Files tributes at exeterstreet.
Narvinek is a new vidder to XFN and this video blew us away. We definitely see Lyle's inspiration in his work butNarvinek's style is also clearly unique.
If you've been away from The X-Files fandom for awhile or if you've gone a few months without watching the series, this video will make you run to your DVD cabinet and frantically post on Big Light begging for a third film.
It is truly breathtaking and given the loud voice of this fandom of late and the amazing fan videos these vidders are churning out, we know the fans are speaking and perhaps FOX is listening.
Serenata Immortale
from Chillpak Hollywood Hour by Phil Leirness
It’s the end of Summer. It’s the Emmy Awards. It’s “Mad Men”. It’s “Breaking Bad”. It’s SAG vs. Aftra. It’s Membership First vs. Unite For Strength. It’s Billionaire Paul Allen vs. EVERYBODY. It’s remakes vs. originals. It’s steadicam vs. shaky hand-held cam. It’s Dean Haglund and Phil Leirness. It’s YOUR Chillpak Hollywood Hour!
from X-Files News by tiffany_devol@xfilesnews.com (Tiffany Devol)
Since yesterday's featured video was a week overdue, today we are bringing you a special treat!
XFN's own Jerbsinator is the master behind this Inception inspired FTF trailer and it is EPIC.
Between the Legendary Looks featured video and now the FTF Inception Style Trailer, our XF3 excitement is reaching fever pitch levels!
FTF Inception Style
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On August 23, 2010 @ 7:00 P.M. PDT/10:00 P.M. EDT
John Billingsley comes back for a visit with NDB Media. John is best known for his portrayal of Doctor Phlox on Star Trek: Enterprise and currently Mike Spencer on the hit HBO series True Blood. Join us as we catch up with John in regards to his latest projects. Join us for a special Monday conversation on Blogtalkradio's: NDB Media channel.
Program call-in: 914-338-0314 or e-mail your questions to: roger@ndbmedia.com
Roger D. Noriega
Fax 323-357-3868
from X-Files News by alleyphile@yahoo.com (Avi Quijada - Editor-In-Chief)
On September 11th, 2010, the Aussie X-Files Fans at Facebook will be holding a charity screening to raise funds for the Alinyiikira Junior School
On this screening, the attendees will not only enjoy the first X-Files movie, but also the alternate "Bee Sting" scene released 10 years after the movie was premiered.
While movie tickets for this session are completely sold out, and as much as we wanted to come to share all the surprises and good times with the philes from down under, XFN allied with the Aussies to help the cause and let one lucky phile attend, on our tab. So enjoy the popcorn for us!
We want to congratulate the organizers of this event, specially Sandi Hicks, for their incredible efforts to help this honorable cause and maintain the goodwill that is a characteristic of the X-Phile spirit!
from Chillpak Hollywood Hour by Phil Leirness
Your friends in podcasting pre-recorded one of their best interviews ever, with special guest Claudia Christian (star of “Babylon 5″, the forthcoming Showtime series “Look” and Dean’s frequent improv comedy partner at the conventions around the world). It proved to be hilarious, educational, irreverent and informative … AND IT NO LONGER EXISTS.
As soon had Claudia left the offices of Rational Exuberance, Dean irretrievably deleted the file that would be converted into this week’s show … So, Dean and Phil altered their respective travel plans and they bring you a brand new show full of the engaging, free-wheeling analysis and discussion you’ve come to expect from the “Thelma and Louise of podcasting”.
Dean discusses his trip to Puerto Rico, including making friends with a big-wig in TSA. He also previews his trip to Las Vegas for the annual “Star Trek” convention (the largest in the world!). Phil describes some of the ways he’s becoming Dean Haglund – Seeing the opera “Carmen” at the Hollywood Bowl and taking an interest in the Impro Theatre Los Angeles, home of L.A. Theatre Sports.
Then, Dean and Phil delve into the latest, most intriguing show business news, starting with “The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo”, the entire Millennium trilogy, the forthcoming American remakes, and Noomi Rapace (lead actress in the European productions), as well as the lawsuits surrounding the as-yet-unreleased fourth book by Stieg Larsson. They follow that up with an analysis of the new television series “Aftermath with William Shatner” (where the former Captain Kirk, T.J. Hooker, and Denny Crane tackles controversial interview subjects starting with the Subway Vigilante).
Plus full reports on what movies Dean and Phil have seen. It’s all this week on YOUR Chillpak Hollywood Hour (NOT featuring an appearance by Claudia Christian).
: It has come to our attention that several of your news outlets have leaked information we would have preferred to have kept in our basement. In light of this news, we confirm that Anna's mother has indeed been among us all along...
Thank you Scott Rosenbaum for just making V a thousand times cooler. After the executive producer let slip at Comic-Con that he'd be introducing Anna's mother in V's November season premiere and that her name would ...
by Phil Leirness
A Chillpak Hollywood Hour first! An entire show dedicated to music, the music business, music distribution and music journalism. Eminent music journalist Yoshi Kato has seen a great deal of change in his twenty years of professional writing as well as in his current capacity at iTunes. He joins your friends in podcasting for an hour of fascinating conversation BEFORE turning the tables on Dean Haglund and Phil Leirness and putting to THEM three probing questions. Trust us, you won’t want to miss it! And why would you? It’s YOUR Chillpak Hollywood Hour, after all!
from Chillpak Hollywood Hour by Phil Leirness
It’s the sequel of the summer! This week, Dean and Phil follow up on last week’s blockbuster by revisiting (and going deeper into) the legal fate of Roman Polanski, the furor over The Hulk re-casting, ageism in Hollywood, the “simulation argument” posed by listener Anthony Kilna, and the film school reference book recommended by listener Effie Dee. Of course, like any good sequel, new characters and topics are tackled. This week, your friends in podcasting offer rather staggering, surprising and insightful analysis into the troubles in which former A-Listers Mel Gibson and Wesley Snipes find themselves. All that, plus they weigh in on Despicable Me,Winter’s Bone and Departures.
Like I have said in the past, you can’t really stack up to x files and if new shows that are coming out that want to mimick x files that’s all good and dandy but why can’t they find some original stuff or find some stuff to move on from the last season of x files, or hell bring back the lonegunmen heck langly always says they did not die… I think everyone is trying to jump on the bandwagon of x files and it will not fly especially us philes that have followed with our blood, sweat and tears for the original x files. If someone was smart they would continue the x files from season 8 and move to more paranormal stuff…and have cameo roles of scully and mulder or bring back skinner or others that were famous like dogget man that would be cool… I myself hated fringe for copying x files eps and that is the reason why i will never watch that show again they were never original and never will be, if syfy can get their act together they would find original cases from the extensive library of the x files and go forward…
xfiles forever!!
from X-Files News by roileigh331@embarqmail.com (Roileigh Ollson - Staff Reporter)
As many of you may have heard, there's a new science fiction show hitting the SyFy network. The show is based off of the Stephen King novella The Colorado Kid, a murder mystery novel about reporters investigating a dead-end case in their small town. The show is called Haven and it centers on an open minded FBI agent and a police officer from the Maine town the show is named for. True to the sci-fi label, this pair runs into some very out there cases.
Now to make this article the best it can be, this XFNer got herself over to the SyFy network to watch the pilot. As Philes, we all want to see those creepy and paranormal shows do well, but Haven, at least at this point, seems a lot more like an average X-Files copy. The plot of the pilot has so many similarities to "The Rain King" that you might wonder if it's a conspiracy. If you want to make your own decision without spoilers, you should stop now. If not, go ahead and click read more.
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On July 6, 2010 @ 7:00 P.M. PDT/10:0 P.M. EDT
Greg Hurwitz is a consulting producer as well as writer for the television series “V”. Gregg is a international, best selling author whose works include: The Tower, Minutes to Burn and Do No Harm. Join us on our regular Tuesday-evening program as we discuss Gregg's latest works: “They're Watching”, on Blogtalkradio's: NDB Media channel.
Program call-in: 914-338-0314 or e-mail your questions to: radio@noriega.biz.
Roger D. Noriega
Fax 323-357-3868
On July 5, 2010 @ 7:00 P.M. PDT/10:00 P.M. EDT
Justin Chon is one of the stars of the Twilight saga, he plays Eric Yorkie. Justin has also appeared in Just Jordan, “Hack!”, Jack and Bobby and The O.C. Justin has a movie in the works, “Crossing Over” and he stars with Harrison Ford, Sean Penn, Ray Liotta and Ashley Judd. Join us as we interview the local boy from Southern California in a special Monday- evening conversation on Blogtalkradio's: NDB Media channel.
Program call-in: 914-338-0314 or e-mail your questions to: radio@noriega.biz.
Roger D. Noriega
Fax 323-357-3868
On June 8, 2010 @ 7:00 P.M. PST
Authors Anthony Wynn and Robert E. Wood join us to honor the memory of Barry Morse as June 10th is his birthday. Barry Morse is known to most SciFi fans as Professor Victor Bergman on Space 1999. Join us as we honor the memory of the beloved actor with two men who got to know Mr. Morse very well, Join us for a special Monday-evening conversation on Blogtalkradio's: Star Trek channel.
Program call-in: 347-215-6508 or e-mail your questions to: radio@noriega.biz.
Roger D. Noriega
Fax 323-357-3868
from X-Files News by tiffany_devol@xfilesnews.com (Tiffany Devol)
As part of Entertainment Weekly's continuing 20th anniversary celebration, they have released their 100 Greatest Characters of the last 20 years.
Not surprisingly, Mulder and Scully made the list!
The FBI's most famous fictional agents came in together at number 12.
Fans might remember that in 2007, Time magazine listed The X-Files as one of the "100 Best TV Shows of All Time" and in 2008, Entertainment Weekly named it the fourth best TV show of the last 25 years.
To check out who made the top 10, head over to EW and for the full 100, pick up the new issue of Entertainment Weekly on news stands now.
On May 26, 2010 @ 7:00 P.M. PDT
Harold Perrineau is an American actor known for his roles of Michael Dawson in the U.S. Television series LOST, Link in the The Matrix Trilogy, and Augustus Hill in the American television series Oz. . Join us for a very special Wednesday evening conversation on Blogtalkradio's: NDB Media channel.
Program call-in: 914-338-0314 or e-mail your questions to: radio@noriega.biz.
Roger D. Noriega
Fax 323-357-3868
On May 25, 2010 @ 7:00 P.M. PDT
Rekha Sharma is a Canadian actress best known for her portrayal of Tory Foster on Battlestar Galactica. On the big screen, Rehka has appeared in The Core and Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem. She currently has a re-occurring role as Sarita Malik on the re-imagined TV series of “V”. Join us for a very special Tuesday evening conversation on Blogtalkradio's: NDB Media channel.
Program call-in: 914-338-0314 or e-mail your questions to: radio@noriega.biz.
Roger D. Noriega
Fax 323-357-3868
from Chillpak Hollywood Hour by Phil Leirness
It’s the first episode of Season 4 and your friends in podcasting are finally back in Los Angeles bringing you a brand new hour of heated conversation. Phil has been completely immersed in logging selects from the footage Dean and he shot over the past ten months for their documentary The Truth Is Out There, and he’s realized something quite important about conspiracy theorists … A secret he shares on the show. Adventures at an archery range, at the Getty Villa, and at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory are also discussed, as is the recent furor over a Newsweek blogger declaring Sean Hayes “too gay to play straight” as well as the loss of Phil’s favorite NYC restaurant. All that, plus a screenwriting question from a loyal listener, advice on going into designer chain coffee stores locked and loaded and what Dean and Phil are reading … It’s YOUR Chillpak Hollywood Hour.
Philes can now watch the Files instantly when subscribing to Netflix! All 9 seasons of The X-Files are now available via "Watch Instantly."
This means you can now watch any time, all the time and especially at 10:13.
Stream episodes through your Wii, PS3, XBox 360, Tivo and various networked Blu-ray players!
Thanks to BigLight News for the heads up and head over to Netflix for more info!
LOS ANGELES - "TheHobbit" is coming to theaters sooner than you think, but later than you initially thought.
Warner Bros.is scheduling Peter Jackson and Guillermo del Toro's two-part adaptation of "The Hobbit" for December 2012 and December 2013.
Confusion over release dates surfaced Wednesday when Imax announced an overall, 20-film, three-year deal with Warners. In outlining which films would be included, Imax incorrectly indicated 2013 as the release date for the first "Hobbit" movie.
But 2013 is two years later than the 2011 release date that New Line and MGM targeted for the first installment when the two companies originally announced the movies in December 2007.
However, 2011 proved not to be a realistic date and instead served more as a guideline, according to insiders, because when it was first announced, no scripts were written, nor schedules or budgets drawn up.
While the project is taking a bit longer than the filmmakers anticipated, it is now on track for 2012 — rather than the 2013 date mentioned in the Imax release.
The second movie's script was turned in to the studio a couple of weeks ago.
Warners moved quickly to set the calendar straight in the wake of the Imax release, and by midday, the giant-screen-format company said it was going to send out a correction, officially making 2012 the new date for the first "Hobbit" movie.
Read more:http://www.today.msnbc.msn.com/id/36836470#ixzz0mRFJLQ1v
Chillpak Hollywood Hour #154
Yesterday, April 25, 2010, 11:19:46 PM | Phil Leirness
It’s part two of Dean and Phil’s look at their all-time favorite books. This week, from show business biographies to the poetry of a Sufi master, from the Biology of Transcendence to the mysteries of a quantum universe, it’s an entire hour dedicated to non-fiction. History, science, biography, essays, poetry and yes, even anthologies of jokes are included. It’s YOUR Chillpak Hollywood Hour, where reading is sexy!
And to all of our listeners who will be in the London area NEXT Monday (3 May), the Thelma and Louise of podcasting will be appearing on a panel at the Sc-Fi-London Film Festival. For information, visit Maybe They ARE Out to Get You!
Well, we had had enough of the rumors about the making of the prequel of Planet of the Apes but now the news is confirmed that the film has been scheduled for a shoot by Fox. Caesar: Rise of the Apes is the tentative title of the movie and after the addition of Aaron Sims (special effects expert) things have started to roll on. The new film will have no connection with the Tim Burton dud that was out in the year 2001. In the event of official announcement, all we can say is keep an eye to learn about the release date…
Source: Productionweekly