Monday, August 1, 2011

Gillian's L.A. Appearances

Gillian's L.A. Appearances

from X Files Latest News by ROI_OLLSON@XFILESNEWS.COM (Roileigh Ollson - Managing Editor)

Tomorrow's event isn't Gillian Anderson's only reason for being in Los Angeles; this past week, Gillian made several television appearances promoting Moby Dick and SA-YES. If you weren't some of the lucky few Philes in L.A. who attended the tapings, we've got the next best thing.

The Tonight Show with Jay Leno aired tonight at 11:35pm ET with Gillian as it's headliner. She spoke aboutMoby Dick, her children, her accent, and her favorite swear words. You won't hear it on TV the way XFN heard it in person though, because the swear section was pretty colorful.

The interview went off without a hitch though, except maybe for the mouthful of hairspray she got during a commercial break. Check out this clip of her appearance, and watch out for the full episode that will soon be posted on the show's website.

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Gillian also appeared on CBS' daytime show The Talk. It filmed earlier this week, but aired today at 2pm ET. To watch the full episode, head over here, but if you're low on time and would like to check out a quick X-Filessection, see the clip below.

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