Thursday, December 22, 2011

Happy 12.21.11 Philes!

Happy 12.21.11 Philes!

from X-Files News by (Tiffany Devol - Content Director)

"December 21st 2012 sounds like a good release date to me." - Chris Carter, July 2011.

One year from today, we could very well be sitting in a theater watching XF3 and while a greenlight has not yet been announced, we're not giving up hope, and we're not giving up the fight.

To celebrate one final year until aliens come to colonize the planet, we're bringing you a featured video bysnakey973! Love is the Only Truth is named after Frank's famous words in an XFN Studio podcast, and draws parallels between Mulder and Scully's time in the series and IWTB.

Happy 12/21/11 Philes!

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