Friday, January 20, 2012

Featured Video- Illuminated

Featured Video- Illuminated

from X-Files News by (Tiffany Devol - Content Director)

This week's featured video is brought to you in the wake of recent protests against two very important bills that have been in front of the U.S. Congress; SOPA and PIPA. As of this morning, the votes have been delayed in the House and the Senate after major websites like Google, Wikipedia, and Reddit, amassed support in opposition of the bills from the worldwide internet community, but the fight is not over. To read more about how these bills, as written,  could affect this fandom, head over to XFN's article: Fight for the Future.

Illuminated, by DandaLaFleurMC, is perhaps a more fitting featured video this week, than any other week.

"Suddenly my eyes are opened, everything comes into focus oh we are all illuminated, lights are shining on our faces. We are all blinded."

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