Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Make "The X-Files" the Most Far Out Show Ever!

Make "The X-Files" the Most Far Out Show Ever!

from X-Files News by srta.avi@gmail.com (Avi Quijada - Editor In Chief)

Ology.com’s “Most Far Out Show” contest is now live! It’s time to rally the The X-Files community and claim the win!  These folks already know that the philes are among the most passionate fans and valuable resources for others who love our show.  Now it’s time to show why The X-Files is still the Most Far Out Show on TV!  Here’s a link explaining all the contest details and rules. Share it with all the philes you know! Winners take this amazing T-Shirt courtesy of Ology.

Hit the jump for more details on how to participate!

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