A Call to Arms
from X-Files News by ROI_OLLSON@XFILESNEWS.COM (Roileigh Ollson - Managing Editor)
The X-Files 3 Campaign: Why You Should Participate
If you’re reading this, you probably consider yourself an X-Files fan. The show may have been off the air for almost a decade, but for some reason, you’re still here. Maybe since then you’ve followed the work of some of the fantastic actors who got their start on the show. Or perhaps you’ve found new shows written and produced by those behind the scenes on the series. One thing is for certain though, had The X-Files not left a significant impression on you, you wouldn’t have gotten to experience any of that.
When it was on the air, The X-Files was revolutionary. The production standards are still considered high, even today. The writing, while from the 90s, is still relevant, and probably always will be. And the acting can still make you cry or laugh or some combination of both in the case of "Bad Blood". The show still resonates. All these years later, those issues and emotions, the journey The X-Files took us on—it’s still something we believe in.
But that story isn’t finished yet. Mulder and Scully may have travelled to the end of the world and back, but there’s still one last story that needs to be told. There’s a movie we all need to see and groups of Philes that we have to go see it with. There are more press junkets to be laughed at and videos to be made with new footage. More fanfic to be written and more artwork to be made--artwork that's way past my stick figure capabilities.
So if you really want XF3, you need to do something about it. If you want to make those new memories and experience the journey all over again, you need to let FOX know. And sure you can post a comment on a board or YouTube or maybe send a tweet, but FOX takes action when they see action. And I know you have it in you Philes.
So send in a picture; it’s something tangible that we can give FOX. It takes more effort than an email and shows our desire, but takes only 5 minutes to print and a few cents to send. If everyone who reads XFN did that, we would be way past our goal of 10,013 photos.
Characters like these don't come along often, and this story deserves and ending. We all lead busy lives with family, jobs, and responsibilities, but FOX is giving us the opportunity to tell them that The X-Files still resonates with us. We’ve gotten their attention. We’ve impressed them with our dedication, so don’t let the chance go by.
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