Happy Birthday, Frank!
from X-Files News by ROI_OLLSON@XFILESNEWS.COM (The XFN Team)
10/13 is usually the day the fandom celebrates birthdays. Birth date to Fox Mulder and Chris Carter and the name of the company that brought us nine years of X-Files, October 13th is the day that usually gets all the attention.
Well today isn’t 10/13, but it is November 17th, birthday of the one and only Frank Spotnitz. Writer, producer, occasional director, and answerer of fan emails extraordinaire, Frank pretty much does it all.
So on his birthday, it’s time to make sure he feels appreciated for all he does, whether it’s posting emails, answering questions, or getting Chris out of his hiding place long enough for him to forward a picture he took to a fan.
Over the years, he’s taught us about faith, hope, love, and what Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease is. What more could we ask for? So take some time out to watch one of the 154 X-Files episodes he contributed to, or go ahead and send birthday wishes to questions@biglight.com. Because who doesn’t love spending their birthday reading fan emails?! Okay, maybe he’ll wait a day or two, but the point is that the message still gets there.
So Frank, thanks for still putting up with us almost ten years after the last scene aired. Enjoy the day, know we look forward to what you have up your sleeve next, and here’s to an 11:17 time stamp in XF3. Because where we're from, it's usually 10:13, but sometimes it's 11:17, too.
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