"Breaking Bad" Season Finale
from X Files Latest News by ROI_OLLSON@XFILESNEWS.COM (Roileigh Ollson - Managing Editor)
It seems that not that long ago everyone was prepping for the season four premiere of Vince Gilligan's Breaking Bad, and now we're just hours away from the season finale. Any Phile who watches this masterpiece knows that this last season has been incredible. We're not sure how he does it, but Vince manages to outdo himself every episode. Obviously The X-Files taught him very well.
Stephen King, an X-Files fan himself, hailed Breaking Bad as "the best [show] of the 21st century". And tonight the cast and crew wrap up some pretty important story lines. Okay, we're not finding out about the alien invasion, but according to Vince, you will find out the mystery behind that ricin.
If you watch Breaking Bad, don't forget to tune in to AMC at 10pm or 9 Central. And if you don't, first off, shame on you. You just made Vince Gilligan cry. Now go to Netflix and watch until you're caught up. And be sure not to disturb anyone who is watching because after watching this show, they definitely know a few new ways to kill someone...
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