Believing in the Future Together
from X Files Latest News by (The XFN Team)
October 13th was perhaps one of the most inspiring and fulfilling days for XFilesNews staff since XFN opened its doors in October of 2007. As we approach our 4th birthday, we are completely blown away at what this fandom can do.
Just last month, fans came together to celebrate 18 years of The X-Files and tweeted to 20thCenturyFox to show their support for a thirdX-Files feature film. On that day, September 10th 2011, 16,636 tweets were sent, actors Annabeth Gish and BD Wong threw in their support, and philes had such a great time they asked to do it again.
At midnight on October 13th in New Zealand, the second #XF3 Tweet Campaign began as fans once again joined together to tweet 20thCenturyFox to ask for a third X-Files film, this time in honor of Chris Carter's birthday and Ten Thirteen Productions. Annabeth Gish, Dan Sackheim, Dean Haglund and Phil Leirness joined the fun, as did Jimmy Kimmel, much to the delight of philes worldwide. Word spread and soon various sci fi blogs and other fandoms began throwing in their support as well. It was the first time Philes were joined by fans of Castle, CSI, Bones, Fringe, Supernatural, Legend of the Seeker and Haven, all at once. OneHaven fan tweeted their support for #XF3 because several philes tweeted in support of a third season for Haven.
As each country hit October 13th, the tweeting picked up speed and by early afternoon in Los Angeles, #XF3 had gone from not being ranked, to ranking in at number 15 in Twitter's top 500 hashtags. By evening, tweets were coming in from 5 continents, simultaneously.
Hawaii brought the campaign home at midnight October 14th and when the dust settled, philes had sent32,049 tweets, nearly double the number of tweets sent during the September 10th campaign.
The last recorded tweet before the cutoff says it all: Because it's 6am! Go #XF3 - SpookyKatie
XFilesNews has been extremely proud to be part of such a diverse, intelligent, and determined fandom. We've made lifelong friends with many of you, and we've shared laughs and a few tears with the rest of you. If there is one thing we've learned in 4 years of doing this, it's that no one gets there alone. We would not be what we are, and these campaigns could not do what they do, without each and every one of you. When X-Files 3 gets a greenlight, it will be because this fandom comes together, and accomplishes extraordinary things. If you have any doubts as to whether or not Chris Carter or Frank Spotnitz believe in a third film, just remember their words: Don't Give Up. If you have any doubts about Fox, perhaps you should read this.
Thank you for this incredible journey you've taken with us, and don't give up.
The XFN Team
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