Thursday, September 2, 2010

Featured Video- Serenata Immortale

from X-Files News by (Tiffany Devol)

This week's featured video is a fantastic tribute to The X-Files and one that will set your heart pounding. The vidder has worked on 3 previous beta versions of this video and admits to being inspired by Lyle Goodale who many of you know for his amazing X-Files tributes at exeterstreet.

Narvinek is a new vidder to XFN and this video blew us away. We definitely see Lyle's inspiration in his work butNarvinek's style is also clearly unique.

If you've been away from The X-Files fandom for awhile or if you've gone a few months without watching the series, this video will make you run to your DVD cabinet and frantically post on Big Light begging for a third film.

It is truly breathtaking and given the loud voice of this fandom of late and the amazing fan videos these vidders are churning out, we know the fans are speaking and perhaps FOX is listening.

Serenata Immortale

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