Thursday, January 20, 2011

Robert Patrick's New Movie

Robert Patrick's New Movie

from X Files Latest News by ROI_OLLSON@XFILESNEWS.COM (Roileigh Ollson)

Agent Doggett is back, and he's going to Mars! Well, sort of. Beginning filming in Bulgaria this week, Robert Patrick is set to star in SyFy's new Mars movie Red Faction: Origins. Based off of the "Red Faction" video game series, the movie will take place 25 five years after the third game.

Patrick's character Alec Mason will struggle with the murder of his wife and kidnapping of his daughter. His son, played by Brian J. Smith, will make it his mission to save his sister.

According to SyFy, the movie will premier in May to accompany the release of the "Red Faction: Armageddon" video game.

And if it does well, the movie could lead to sequels or even a series. So be sure to watch! Also, check out more details on the movie here.

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