Wednesday, January 18, 2012



from X-Files News by (The XFN Team)

It's not a secret that we are the first Fandom that took ownership of the Internet as it developed over the years to help us become the great community that we are today.

SOPA & PIPA are laws that would directly stop any further development of any fandom as we know it. There would be no freedom to create fanfiction, fanvids, fan art, campaigns to raise awareness of how great show or a movie is... no more YouTube, no more Facebook, no more Google or Wikipedia.

What does it mean for XFN: say goodbye to the featured video of the week. Say goodbye to us sourcing articles from other websites that could as well shut down. Say goodbye to any picture coverage from any event that we couldn't attend but linked back to other people that took the pictures, etc, etc, etc.

Even if you don't live in the USA, all websites based or maintained in anyway in web servers in this country would be ruled by this law, and since the internet is the biggest community of it all, the global village, everyone would be exposed to the self inflicted censorship that we would have to incur into to try to protect our existence.

If you are in the USA, urge your senator or congressman to vote NO on these laws as they are written today. They need to be defined properly and written with more awareness of what the times are.

If you want to learn more about the reality of these laws, CLICK HERE.

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