Monday, November 8, 2010

French Article Scan (XF3 Script News)

French Article Scan (XF3 Script News)

by (Tiffany Devol)

Sarah over at Haven posted a scanned imagine of the article inTV Mag where David Duchovny was quoted originally online as saying the following: It is being written. One awaits just the green light from Fox, a little disappointed from the relatively poor reception of the second film. The error comes, in my opinion, that the authors strayed too far from the roots of the series. Moreover, the film was released in the summer. The third will be much closer to what the public expects, with government conspiracies, etc.

It appears that the line, "It is being written." was removed from the print version of this article, or was added to the online version. Interestingly enough, the rest of the quote remains intact.

According to Latino Review who sources David Duchovny's PR Rep but does not provide a name or a direct quote, Duchovny is not aware of any working script for X-Files 3 but would not mind working on another X-Files film with Gillian Anderson again and was proud of the previous two X-Files films.

Frank Spotnitz wrote to fans yesterday on his blog that fans should not give up and that while he wished he could say more, he could neither confirm nor deny the XF3 script news.

The Truth is Out There, you just have to dig through the lies and step over CSM to get to it.

UPDATE- The line "It is being written" has also been mysteriously removed from the online article. Cue Mark Snow's X-Files theme...

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