Monday, November 8, 2010

The XF3 is Out There

The XF3 is Out There
7 Nov 2010 | 1:18 pm MST

The Believe in the Future campaign and the XF3 Army have worked tirelessly since early 2009 for a third X-Files feature film green light and with the recent explosion of XF3 Script news and Frank Spotnitz’ blog message that he could neither confirm nor deny the news (while urging fans not to give up), XFN is moving forward with a major new phase of the campaign.

Phase 4 of Believe in the Future has been in the works for months and if you missed out on the first three phases or long for the days of writing postcards, hanging with Frankenbear and putting together fan videos, fear not because XFilesNews is about to up the ante.

Believe in the Future, Phase 4

Mailing Campaign- Get your design skills ready because it’s about to go down! XFN is commissioning the XF3 Army to put together fan made XF3 Movie Posters to send to Fox. It is preferred that posters be postcard sized (similar to what was done in the postcard campaign) or on 8 ½ by 11 or 11 by 17 sheets of paper that can be folded in order to mail. XFN will also sponsor a poster design contest with prizes! This time around we are asking for fans worldwide to send their posters directly to XFN Headquarters at:

6712 Selma Ave #2, Los Angeles, CA 90028

We know this fandom is a creative bunch so brush off those colored pencils, crayons and Photoshop computer programs and let’s make it happen!

Video Campaign-

Last year the XF3 Army put together hundreds of videos using the ads and the IWTB testimonials for reference. On this go around we are asking for vidders to advertise interest for a third X-Files feature film in two ways. The first is to make your own fan made XF3 Trailers! Here is an example. The second is to make a video telling the fandom what The X-Files means to you. Vidder AdaPiper has several very good examples of this here, here and here.

All videos must be uploaded to YouTube so that the general YouTube population can view them. The idea is to ignite more interest in a third film! Please begin the title of your video, XF3Army:
For previous XF3 Army videos, visit the XF3 Army YouTube Page.
Flash Mob Campaign-

To be announced shortly!  Philes should prepare for dressing up and getting noticed!
Frankenbear has a Cousin?-

In fact he does though his identity is still under wraps. More information is coming very shortly but be prepared for more worldwide furry fun and all for a great cause!
If 2008 was the Year of the Phile then 2011 is about to become the year of the Phile squared because XFN fully intends on cubing 2012.

Are you a believer?

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