Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Beware the Future: The Date is Set

Beware the Future: The Date is Set

by tiffany_devol@xfilesnews.com (Joselyn Rojas - Staff Reporter)

As you all know, Sci-Fi culture often discusses the imminent destruction of Humankind. Whether by cyborgs, aliens, famine, or man's own devices, is another matter.

Since we are now in the 21st century, these moments of doom are closer than ever and what better way to prepare than to mark them all on your iPads, smart-phones, or simply on an old fashioned calendar?

The Los Angeles Times has published the 13 most important Sci-Fi dates which determine the not so distant future. In this apocalyptic list, the infamous invasion date depicted by The X-Files, December 22nd, 2012, comes in at number 3. It is preceded by Skynet's activation and Judgment Day in Terminator.

December 22nd 2012 is a very important date to philes since it will most certainly be the subject of a third (as yet un-greenlit) X-Files feature film.

Now that I have you in an apocalyptic mood, here are two recent XF3 Army videos touching on the end of the world, phile-style.

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