Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Frank Spotnitz' statement on XF3

Frank Spotnitz' statement on XF3

from X-Files News by srta.avi@gmail.com (Avi Quijada - Editor In Chief)

Frank Spotnitz has written on his blog about the possibilities on the production of XF3.

Please follow the link.


by Frank Spotnitz

Since The X-Files: I Want to Believe was released more than three years ago, the question I have been asked most often is, “When is the next X-Files movie coming?”

The box-office performance of the last film has made it difficult to answer. Some people said the audience just wasn’t there anymore. Others blamed the subject matter, the relatively modest budget, the lack of promotion, the release date, or the movie itself.

But wherever the finger of blame was pointed, I told everyone and anyone who would listen that it would be a mistake to count out The X-Files. “Don’t give up,” I kept saying, echoing the line Father Crissman told Scully in the last film.

Support from fans around the world, frequently spearheaded by the amazing team at XFilesNews.com, has been unwavering. Time and again, X-Philes have mounted imaginative and powerful campaigns to get the studio’s attention – to remind 20th Century Fox that they are sitting on one of the greatest franchises in history, a creative and commercial gold mine that has been left languishing.

Now we are only eight months away from December 2012, the series’ fabled date for alien colonization. I wish I could write today to announce that a script has been written, or even commissioned. Despite my cheerleading, cajoling and plain nagging these past few years, that is not the case.

But I am not writing today to say I am giving up.

I am writing to say it is not too late to make a third X-Files movie.

I am writing to say I still believe the audience is out there for an epic film that would bring to a close the series’ rich and complex alien storyline.

I am writing to say leaving the last chapter of this great story untold is a terrible shame and great waste.

I am writing to say I won’t give up.

And I hope you won’t, either.


Wow oh Wow, me being an x files will love this and I will never give up on getting a xf3 and will work hard to post all content related to x files and anyone that has to do with it, in the past and for the future..stay tuned for more news and see where the xphiles are at…

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