Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Scully Tops the List

Scully Tops the List

from X-Files News by roi_ollson@xfilesnews.com (Roileigh Ollson - Managing Editor)

In honor of International Women's Day, RadioTimes.com celebrated with a list of some of television's strongest women. And it's no surprise to us that Special Agent/Doctor/Alien Fighter Extraordinaire Dana Scully topped the list:

Whether she was tackling aliens, killers, government conspiracies or Fox Mulder’s credulity, the medical doctor and FBI agent took it all in her stride, often simultaneously battling some unfortunate hairdos. Smart, courageous and resourceful, Scully was never afraid to say what she thought – or back up a friend.

Keep up the great work, Scully. You make us all proud.

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